How to run a program twice (or more)


i’m using Sublime editor to run my codes. I just use .x (name of the code.cpp) and my code runs at the terminal. But when i try to run it again i receive this message:

note: previous definition is here
        auto pVec = [](const doubles& v){for (auto&& x:v) cout << x << e...

My code is:

	using doubles = std::vector<double>; //using doubles like a vector type;
	auto pVec = [](const doubles& v){for (auto&& x:v) cout << x << endl;}; //
	doubles v{0,3,5,4,1,2};

I know what is going on but i don’t know how to solve it. I have to delete pVec but i don’t know how to do.


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Macro unloading / reloading does not work in (is not supported by) ROOT 6 (as of 2019.07.02).

The JIRA ticket related to this issue is ROOT-9014.