How to retrieve string data stored in ObjectString


I am creating a ROOT file and writing a string (using ObjectString).

std::string out_rt, objstring;


TFile * ofile = TFile::Open(out_rt.c_str(),"update");
objstring = "\nSometext:\n";

TObjString a( objstring.c_str());
ofile->WriteObject( &a, "info" );

While I have no issues in writing the ROOT file, I am unable to retrieve the string data using:

std::string inp_fl1="outFile.root"
TFile *f =new TFile(inp_fl1.c_str());

std::string somestring;

TObjString* tmp = (TObjString*)f->Clone("info");
somestring = (const TString)tmp->GetString();

cout << somestring << endl;

This just outputs “info” (and not the string data that is stored in the info Object. Can anyone help please? Also in the next step, how can I just copy the entire info Object to a new ROOT file?


TObjString* tmp = (TObjString*)f->Clone("info");

What did you mean by this? Clone would duplicate the TFile object and rename it (in memory).

You probably meant:

auto tmp = f->Get<TObjString>("info");

how can I just copy the entire info Object to a new ROOT file?

A priori, the same way you store it in the first file.

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