How to readout bin values from TProfile

I am working on a 2D histogram that I have converted into a TProfile, and now I want to readout the TProfile values into a file.

Here is the file I am using:

> #include "TTree.h"
> #include "TFile.h"
> #include "TRandom.h"
> #include "TTree.h"
> #include "TCanvas.h"
> #include "TStyle.h"
> #include "TMath.h"
> #include <iostream>
> #include "TH2.h"
> #include "TChain.h"
> #include <vector>

> using namespace std;

> void ch_comp_write_v2(){

>   TChain* chchain = new TChain("_compress_ch");
>   chchain->Add("/a/data/riverside/afadeeva/OutSN/huff_dat_pr7_pst8_bt2_vt2_un_b_up_25_15_30.root");

>   TH2D *hist = new TH2D("hist","Comp_v_Ch",16000,-1,8300,10000,0,1.1);

>   Double_t _ch_compression;   Int_t _ch;
>   chchain->SetBranchAddress("_ch_compression",&_ch_compression);
>   chchain->SetBranchAddress("_ch",&_ch);

>         Long64_t chentries = chchain->GetEntries();
>         cout << "amt of entries= " << chentries <<endl;
>         Long64_t nb = 0, cb = 0 , cbytes = 0, nbytes = 0 ;

>   ofstream myfile;
> ("filepath/Out_ch_comp_25n_15b_30p.txt");

>       for (Long64_t j=0; j< chentries; j++) { // chentries = 7768896
>               Long64_t centry = chchain->LoadTree(j);
>                     if (centry <0 ) break;
>                    cb = chchain->GetEntry(j); cbytes += cb;

>                    myfile << _ch << " " << _ch_compression << endl;
>                    cout << "channel " << _ch << " compression for this event " << _ch_compression << endl;

>                    hist->Fill(_ch,_ch_compression);
>   }
>   myfile.close();
>   TProfile *px = hist->ProfileX();
> //  cout << "profile val " <<  << endl;

> ofstream oneval;

> int comp = 0;
> for(int a = 0; a<8257; a++){
>  // oneval << 
>   comp = px->GetBinContent(a);
>   cout << "channel " << a << " profile val " << comp << endl;
> }

> oneval.close();

>  TCanvas *cob = new TCanvas("cob","comp per channel v channel threshold = 30 ADC",1250,700);
>  TCanvas *gary = new TCanvas("gary","profile",300,300);
>  cob->Divide(1,2);

>  gary->cd();
>  px->Draw();
> // hprof->Draw();

>  cob->cd(1);
>  hist->SetXTitle("Channel");
>  hist->SetYTitle("Compression");
> // hist->GetYaxis();
> // hist->GetMean();
>  hist->Draw();

>  cob->SaveAs("/filepath/ch_comp_canvas_all.pdf");
> }
> ~

Unfortunately, when I readout the bin values of the TProfile, I get all 0s. What am I doing wrong?

Double_t comp = 0.0;

It worked! I feel silly now!
Thank you so much!!!

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