How to quickly make a copy of TH2D?

I have read the doc, read the source, read the forum… could not do it :slight_smile: Could not find it in Tutorial and Howto, and did not have to do this up until now. I could write my own func, but the one has been already provided, and i bet it is better.
Please if someone could show me the magic? One short line… please?
p.s. I mean, copy with data :wink: Clone makes an empty one…


[quote]Clone makes an empty one…
[/quote]It should not …:[code]root [1] hpx->Print(“all”);
TH1.Print Name = hpx, Entries= 25000, Total sum= 25000
fSumw[0]=0, x=-4.04
fSumw[1]=0, x=-3.96
fSumw[2]=0, x=-3.88
fSumw[3]=0, x=-3.8

fSumw[98]=0, x=3.8
fSumw[99]=0, x=3.88
fSumw[100]=0, x=3.96
fSumw[101]=0, x=4.04

root [3] h2 = (TH1F*)hpx->Clone()
(class TH1F*)0x21ca000
root [4] h2->Print(“all”)
TH1.Print Name = hpx, Entries= 25000, Total sum= 25000
fSumw[0]=0, x=-4.04
fSumw[1]=0, x=-3.96
fSumw[2]=0, x=-3.88
fSumw[3]=0, x=-3.8

fSumw[98]=0, x=3.8
fSumw[99]=0, x=3.88
fSumw[100]=0, x=3.96
fSumw[101]=0, x=4.04
