How to generate outputs (PDF, PNG, etc.) without display?

I want to generate a bunch of outputs (PDF, PNG or othe formats) without display them. How to do? I checked the HOWTOs but have no idea about it.
I hope an example can be added into the HOWTOs.

gROOT->SetBatch(kTRUE); // without graphics gROOT->SetBatch(kFALSE); // with graphics


Also see the User’s Guide, page 10 in chapter “Getting Started”

Cheers, Ilka

I check UserGuide Chaper 2 at page 10. But I didn’t find what I need there.

Strange, there is written how to run your scripts/macros in batch mode. For example:

root -b -q $ROOTSYS/tutorials/graphics/latex2.Cwill create the file in a way you explained in your post.

Cheers, Ilka

I give an example in Python:

from ROOT import TCanvas, TF1, gROOT, gSystem, kTRUE

c1=TCanvas("c1","JPEG in batch", 800,600)
gSystem.Exec("pstopnm -ppm -xborder 0 -yborder 0 -portrait c1.eps")
gSystem.Exec("ppmtojpeg c1.eps001.ppm > c1.jpg")

Well, you did not specify it in your post. I agree in this case.

Cheers, Ilka

Thanks again. I’m sorry that I didn’t explain my question clearly.

the example you mentioned ( )
is obsolete. Now you can use:
c1->Print(“c1.jpg’) or c1->Print(“c1.png’) etc. methods
” to generate a bunch of outputs (PDF, PNG or othe formats) without display them”

Regards. Valeriy