How to emulate double click on TFile icon of TRootBrowser

To Reproduce

root -l myFile.root
new TRootBrowser;
// Double click now on the opened file icon to unfold its keys / contents

I wondered if there is a trick to simulate this double click from the command line, within the macro, rather than having to double-click manually with the mouse on the GUI each time.

If not, could an “UnfoldTFile” function be added to the TRootBrowser interface? That internally calls the function

Thanks in advance!!


ROOT v6.32.04
Built for linuxx8664gcc on Aug 14 2024, 04:13:21
From tags/v6-32-04@v6-32-04
With c++ (Ubuntu 11.4.0-1ubuntu1~22.04) 11.4.0
Binary directory: /opt/root/bin

Full click trace:

1   TGFileBrowser::DoubleClicked  TGFileBrowser.cxx  1204 0x7fffdbf20d8f 
2   TClingCallFunc::exec          TClingCallFunc.cxx 1466 0x7fffef32b752 
3   TClingCallFunc::Exec          TClingCallFunc.cxx 1524 0x7fffef32bf64 
4   TCling::CallFunc_Exec         TCling.cxx         7851 0x7fffef168bba 
5   TQConnection::SendSignal      TQConnection.h     76   0x7ffff7c36488 
6   TQObject::EmitVA<long [2]>    TQObject.h         137  0x7fffdbee8ed5 
7   TQObject::Emit<long [2]>      TQObject.h         167  0x7fffdbee8b56 
8   TGListTree::DoubleClicked     TGListTree.cxx     1170 0x7fffdbf6b058 
9   TGListTree::HandleDoubleClick TGListTree.cxx     694  0x7fffdbf692cc 
10  TGFrame::HandleEvent          TGFrame.cxx        514  0x7fffdbf3c42b 
11  TGClient::HandleEvent         TGClient.cxx       844  0x7fffdbeebd83 
12  TGClient::ProcessOneEvent     TGClient.cxx       654  0x7fffdbeeb644 
13  TGClient::HandleInput         TGClient.cxx       701  0x7fffdbeeb7fa 
14  TGInputHandler::Notify        TGClient.cxx       117  0x7fffdbee9b6e 
15  TUnixSystem::DispatchOneEvent TUnixSystem.cxx    1099 0x7ffff7d8d479 
16  TSystem::InnerLoop            TSystem.cxx        403  0x7ffff7c6903b 
17  TSystem::Run                  TSystem.cxx        353  0x7ffff7c68d9b 
18  TApplication::Run             TApplication.cxx   1897 0x7ffff7bdb997 
19  TRint::Run                    TRint.cxx          501  0x7ffff7f9d7f8 
20  main                          rmain.cxx          84   0x5555555555e4

Potential solution

root -l myFile.root
auto tbr = new TBrowser();

but it doesn’t look well inside the TFile substructure.

Additional context

Sorry for this lazy question, but it’s sometimes useful to double click on files from the browser, using:

nano ~/.local/share/applications/ROOT.desktop

[Desktop Entry]
Name=ROOT Browser
Comment=Open CERN ROOT files
Exec=/opt/root/bin/root -l %F -e '_file0->ls(); auto tbr = new TBrowser(); _file0->Browse(tbr);'

Then in file Browser, right click on .root, Open with Other application, ROOT Browser

Taken from: Open .root file with double click - #13 by petrstepanov

Hi @ferhue ,

Thanks for the intriguing post.
I think @bellenot and @linev are the right experts to bring into the discussion.


Thanks Danilo for the reply.

Some related comments on my side:

  • rootbrowse command could also incorporate this new Unfold function
  • I find it cumbersome that ROOT in Windows has better desktop integration (once installed, you double click on a ROOT file and voila it opens) compared to Linux where I need to create the .desktop file by hand.
  • in this context, maybe it’s a good opportunity to revive Specific mime-type for root files · Issue #6771 · root-project/root · GitHub

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