How to deal with the error 'InputVariable not in list of sWeighted variables'

here is the error output:
ROOT::Math::Fitter::CalculateHessErrors:0: RuntimeWarning: Error when calculating Hessian

Error in <TDecompLU::DecomposeLUCrout: matrix is singular
Error in <TDecompLU::DecomposeLUCrout: matrix is singular
[#0] ERROR:Eval – SPlot Error: covariance matrix is singular; I can’t invert it!

sig 0.0 bkg 0.0
Check SWeights:
[#0] ERROR:InputArguments – InputVariable not in list of sWeighted variables
Yield of signal is 0.0 . From sWeights it is -1.0
[#0] ERROR:InputArguments – InputVariable not in list of sWeighted variables
S/sigma(S) is 0.0 . From sWeights it is -1.0

here is the code:
f0 = TFile.Open(“p1.root”,“READ”)

t0 = f0.Get(“DecayTree”)

t0.SetBranchStatus(“*”, 0)

t0.SetBranchStatus(“D0_M”, 1)

nentry = t0.GetEntries()

print("total number of candidates: ", nentry)

mass = array(“f”, [0])

f1 = TFile.Open(“simplify.root”, “RECREATE”)

t1 = TTree(“newt”, “new tree”)

t1.Branch(“mass”, mass, “D0_M/D”)

for entry in t0:

mass = entry.D0_M

mass = RooRealVar(“mass”, “D0_M[MeV/c^{2}]”, 1800, 1920)

Data = RooDataSet(“data”, “data”, t1, RooArgSet(mass))

mean = RooRealVar(“mean”, “Mean of Gaussian”, 1865, 1800, 1920)

sigma = RooRealVar(“sigma”, “Width of Gaussian”, 6.64, 0, 50)

gauss = RooGaussian(“gauss”, “gauss”, mass, mean, sigma)

c1 = RooRealVar(“c1”, “coefficient #1”, 6, -100, 100)

bkg = RooPolynomial(“bkg”, “bkg”, mass, RooArgList(c1))

sigfrac = RooRealVar(“sigfrac”, “fraction of signal events”, 0.25, 0, 1)

model = RooAddPdf(“model”, “model”, RooArgList(gauss, bkg), RooArgList(sigfrac))

Fit = model.fitTo(Data, RooFit.Save(kTRUE))

#Fit = model.fitTo(Data, RooFit.Extended(kTRUE), RooFit.Save(kTRUE))

mframe = mass.frame(RooFit.Bins(100))

Data.plotOn(mframe, RooFit.MarkerStyle(20), RooFit.MarkerSize(0.5))

model.plotOn(mframe, RooFit.LineColor(1))

model.plotOn(mframe, RooFit.Components(bkg), RooFit.LineColor(4), RooFit.LineStyle(9))

model.plotOn(mframe, RooFit.Components(gauss), RooFit.LineColor(2), RooFit.LineStyle(2))



nsig = RooRealVar(“nsig”, “number of signal events”, sigfrac.getVal()*nentry, 0, nentry)

nbkg = RooRealVar(“nbkg”, “number of background events”, (1.0-sigfrac.getVal())*nentry, 0, nentry)

newmodel = RooAddPdf(“pdf”, “pdf”, RooArgList(gauss, bkg), RooArgList(nsig, nbkg))

sData = RooStats.SPlot(“sData”, “An SPlot”, Data, newmodel, RooArgList(nsig, nbkg))

print(“sig”, str(nsig.getVal()), “bkg”, str(nbkg.getVal()))

print(“Check SWeights:”)

print(“Yield of signal is”, nsig.getVal(), “. From sWeights it is”, sData.GetYieldFromSWeight(“nsig”))

print("S/sigma(S) is ", nsig.getVal()/nsig.getError(), “. From sWeights it is”, sData.GetYieldFromSWeight(“nsig”))

Hello @wolfram420,
it’s a bit difficult to help you without a context and without an explanation of what you are doing and trying to achieve… Could you describe your code and your situation?


I’m trying to plot ‘Data’ which shows the variation of entries under different mass distribution, and build a Gaussian model to fit the experimental data.
Then in the ‘sweighting’ part, I would like to reweight the dataset to show different components (e.g. signal / background) so that I can assess the result of fitting.


Thank you Lisa, can you also provide your data?

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