How to change the TBrowser if I install the newest ROOT's version

Recently I’ve installed the newest version of ROOT (6.34.02) and deleted my old version 6.32.##. I noticed that TBrowser has not changed from the oldest version that i have. However, my colleagues who installed this new version from scratch has a new TBrowser format. I’m using debian Xfc and my collegueas are using ubuntu or Mint, is it related on my problem?

_ROOT Version:6.34.02


Thanks for the post and welcome to the ROOT Community!
The version of the OS is unrelated. If I understand correctly, you would like to try out the web-based browser, right?


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Hi Danilo, first of all, thanks for answer me. I make a mistake when I wrote my SO, what I really want to say is Debian 12 XFCE. Referred to the ROOT problem, I don’t want to use TBrowser for web. I want to use it to navigate in my computer for load my .root archive. My first post idea was to explain that my browser from version 6.34.02 doesn’t look like my colleagues, for example, i can’t to make plots or histograms from the browser itself with some data that i have stored in a tree. I also said in the last post that difference between me and my friends installation is that they installed ROOT for the very first time, on the other hand, i had installed the 6.32.06. Browser’s visualization is even different. Idk if I explain myself well this time :slight_smile:
Hope for your answer soon

Hello Alexs,

It is hard to understand what could be the problem affecting your installation. It could be remnants of the previous one(s) conflicting with 6.34.02. Do you see errors or warnings at any point while using 6.34.02?


Hi! The different visualisation for the browser might be the support for web based browser in root. I also have the default TBrowser in my install, but to enable web browser, one can simply run root as

root --web=on

on the terminal.


It may be helpful if you can post screenshots of both browser windows, yours and your colleague’s.

Maybe also look for the file .rootrc in your home directory.

It might be that you have a line forcing the old TBrowser to show
Browser.Name: TRootBrowser
so deleting that line could restore the new default behavior.

This is my TBrowser format

My colleague’s TBrowser

So, as guessed before, your colleague is using the web version, which you can access by running root with root --web and then just opening a new TBrowser, which should automatically open a web browser window or tab with the TBrowser as you see in their screenshot, but in any case ROOT will tell you the address and port where you can see it in any browser ( in the case below):

 ~$  root --web
  | Welcome to ROOT 6.32.08               |
  | (c) 1995-2024, The ROOT Team; conception: R. Brun, F. Rademakers |
  | Built for linuxx8664gcc on Nov 14 2024, 10:15:23                 |
  | From tags/v6-32-08@v6-32-08                                      |
  | With c++ (Ubuntu 13.2.0-23ubuntu4) 13.2.0                        |
  | Try '.help'/'.?', '.demo', '.license', '.credits', '.quit'/'.q'  |

root [0] new TBrowser

ROOT comes with a web-based browser, which is now being started. 
Revert to TBrowser by setting "Browser.Name: TRootBrowser" in rootrc file or
by starting "root --web=off"
Find more info on
Info in <THttpEngine::Create>: Starting HTTP server on port
(TBrowser *) 0x5f956320dc50
root [1] 

Thank u so much dastudillo

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