How to build 32bit ROOT with cling

I am trying to compile 32bit ROOT with cling enabled under a 64bit system; however the cling buildsystem doesn’t seem to pick this up and produces a 64bit libclang which then make the ROOT build fail at some linking step. I configure with

./configure linux --enable-cling

and build with gcc-4.3.2 under SL5.3.

As a slightly related problem, in the past I was able to modify the LDFLAGS used when building ROOT (due to a bug in gcc in that SL version when building 32bit) by patching config/Makefile.linux. These changes also aren’t picked up by cling.

Is there some documentation on how to make a build like I want? Or even better, are there any plans on unifying the different buildsystems in a ROOT build (maybe already possible with cmake?)? In the past I had similar problems with xrootd, but thank god I don’t use it anymore and don’t need to patch its Makefiles.


We are aware that cross builds don’t work yet; the linux 32 bit build
should work just fine on a linux 32 box. It’s still work in
progress, and this is not one of the key issues we need to tackle /now/…


Hi Philippe,

thank you for clarifying, it got a similar response from Axel on the ML.

Regarding adding support for this, do you plan to release root-6 as a cmake build or will you still use ROOT’s configure script? Fixing them both would involve different solutions.


We are planning on still supporting both the configure/make and cmake solution.
