How to add TGraphs functionwise

Well i would like to add two TGraphs, say two gauss functions, so that the resulting TGraph is the algebraic sum of the two functions i.e. a gauss function again.
Is this possible on the TGraph-level ( like it is with adding the bin content of histograms ) ?

BTW, is there a way to get a TGraph directly from a histogram ?

Thanks, Axel

[quote]Well i would like to add two TGraphs, say two gauss functions, so that the resulting TGraph is the algebraic sum of the two functions i.e. a gauss function again.
Is this possible on the TGraph-level ( like it is with adding the bin content of histograms ) ? [/quote]

No, this does not make sense in general. This would require same points
in X and same number of points. Use TH1::Add instead.

see TGraph::TGraph(const TH1 *h)


Thank You.