How do use Draw and Write in compiled code?

I am using g++. How can i draw some TH2F and then write them to a file output (not to screen)? I want to write multiple plots to an output *.root file.

File3->cd(); CPlot->Draw("colz text15e"); gPad->SetLogz(); CPlot->Write();

This doesn’t seem to work. What am I doing wrong?


This should work. Could you post a complete (running) example showing the problem?

Cheers, Bertrand.


This should work. Could you post a complete (running) example showing the problem?

Cheers, Bertrand.[/quote]

I think I got the formatting to work. I had to print the canvas, not the histogram.

CPlot->Draw("colz"); gPad->SetLogz(); cnvfname << "cc_" << k2 << "_" << estart << ".pdf"; cnvfilename = cnvfname.str(); N1->Print(cnvfilename.c_str());

I’m a bit confused here… Now you save in a .pdf file, but before you asked for a .root file…

Is there a way to write them to a root file in graphic form?

[quote=“cecoppola”]Is there a way to write them to a root file in graphic form?[/quote]Indeed, you can save the canvas, or the histograms, or even both…


cnvfname << "cc_" << k2 << "_" << estart << ".pdf"; cnvfilename = cnvfname.str(); N1->Print(cnvfilename.c_str()); [/quote]
If you want to save lines you may also use TString::Form():