How can I use my owen header files like #include<myFunction.h>

I have a header file myFunction.h, defined a function prototype wroten by myself. And I implemented this function in a cpp file myFunction.cpp. How can I use the function in my ROOT macro? Like:

void myMacro()

I’m new to ROOT and C++, sorry.

#include "myFunction.h"


#include "/full/path/to/myFunction.h"

I see. It should be okay to use <> when the myFunction.h in the same path of myMacro.cpp. But even if I use “”, it still tells me that the function is not defined.
I think this may be because the file myFunction.cpp is not read correctly. What should I do?

Start by searching online and reading about including stuff in C++ (probably not a ROOT issue). E.g. Headers and Includes: Why and How - C++ Articles