How can I convert .root file to .txt file?

:smiley: Help required! I need help to convert a root file into text file.


this depends very much on the content of the rootfile. In general I would not encourage at all this step as you would loose several benefits such as runtime performance and data compression.



this depends very much on the content of the rootfile. In general I would not encourage at all this step as you would loose several benefits such as runtime performance and data compression.


Hi Danilo,

Thank you for your reply. I have for example this (attached, results.root) rootfile, what is the way to convert into text file? I hope you will help me.
results.root (53.9 KB)


so you would like to transform a tree created from a txt file (“novaCosmogenic data from given txt file”) in a txt file.
I still don’t think it’s a good idea, but you can transverse the tree easily like this, in Python:

f = ROOT.TFile("results.root")
for e in f.T:
    print e.evtN, e.partID, ...., e.pz



so you would like to transform a tree created from a txt file (“novaCosmogenic data from given txt file”) in a txt file.
I still don’t think it’s a good idea, but you can transverse the tree easily like this, in Python:

f = ROOT.TFile("results.root")
for e in f.T:
    print e.evtN, e.partID, ...., e.pz



Is it possible to convert this using ROOT? I am asking because I don’t know about Python.



you can have a look to the TTreeReader tutorial to see how one reads a tree in ROOT in C++:



I know we can read data using ROOT but I am interested to convert rootfile into .txt file, so that we can handle that text file using others program too. I need to provide this data to those who don’t know the ROOT and C++.


The tutorial shows what you asked, i.e. how you read the rootfile in C++.
You’ll just have to print out the variables on screen.

1 Like

Excellent, I got it. Thank you.


Please, can you tell me how do I use this code to convert the root histogram into an .ascii file?
Thank you.

Related: THistSaveAs txt or csv · Issue #10474 · root-project/root · GitHub
root2csv command - - Go Packages