How best to make dictionaries for user classes

Hi Rooters

I have a Record Class that has a member called:

vector<UserObject> fUserData;
In a single library package.

I then want to allow users to be able to create thier own classes that inherit for UserObject (which does not inherit from TObject) and add them to this vector and have them written out.

UserObejct looks like this:

namespace SoCal{
  class UserObject{
    UserObject(const char* name);
    UserObject(const std::string& name);
    virtual ~UserObject(){return;}
    virtual const std::string& Name()const{ return pName;}
    virtual void  SetName(const char* name){pName = name;}
    virtual void  SetName(const std::string& name){pName = name;}
    std::string  pName; 


And I have this line in my LinkDef.h file:
[code]#pragma link C++ class SoCal::UserObject!;[/code]

I compile the library and everything is great.

 However, When it comes to adding a users class which will be compiled into a different library, e.g.:
#include "Event/UserObjects.h"

class MyClass : public SoCal::UserObject{
  virtual ~MyClass();
  int dIndex;  

[/code]with a linkdef.h that looks like:
[code]#pragma link off all globals;
#pragma link off all classes;
#pragma link off all functions;

#pragma link C++ class MyClass+;
I find that when I try create some MyClass's and stick them in Record to be written out, they write out fine.  However, when I try read them back in I find that I am unable to do so. I get the error message:
[code]Error in <TBuffer>: got wrong class: MyClass
Error in <TBuffer>: got object of wrong class! requested SoCal::UserObject but got MyClass

My question is, what am I doing wrong? Is the reading and writing of a vector of pointers to things that dont inhertit from TObject even supported?

Root: V.5.11/01
Intel mac , gcc v4.0


[quote]My question is, what am I doing wrong? Is the reading and writing of a vector of pointers to things that dont inhertit from TObject even supported?
Yes it is fully supported. However you wrote:vector<UserObject> fUserData; which is not a vector of pointer and will lead to splicing of your objects.
Rather than:#pragma link C++ class SoCal::UserObject!;
use#pragma link C++ class SoCal::UserObject+;


Ops, as you point out that is indeed a pointer, it was just a typo, my problem still remains. I want to allow people to create thier own objects that inhert from UserObject and dump them in this vector for writing out.

Then this should work. Please provide a couple example reproducing your problem.
