_ROOT Version: 5.34/09
_Platform: Linux 3.11.10-100.fc18.x86_64
_Compiler: gcc version 4.7.2 20121109 (Red Hat 4.7.2-8) (GCC)
I need a help on the topic mentioned in the subject line. Here is the description of the problem:
I am working on the analysis of the data generated in a gamma-spectroscopy experiment. In the experiment, we had 24 detectors. We get ENERGY and TIME information from ONLY those detectors which have detected a gamma-ray in a given event, which also defines fold of an event (i.e. number of detectors which have registered the events). Also, the fold varies for different events, and I have about 100 data files.
First, I want to convert the data into ROOT Tree format for all the files, and later I will use this tree to generate different 1-D, 2-D, and 3-D histograms, with different conditions (using timing information).
Can someone please help me with guidelines/recipe to generate a Tree out of “Energy, Time and Event”? What is the best way to convert the above data into ROOT Tree? What should be the structure of the tree?
I am sorry, if this sounds too obvious. Please note that - this is my first attempt to try data analysis using ROOT, and to create Tree!
I am sorry, but the data files which I have are in a customize binary format. I had already written a code which will extract “ENERGY and TIME” for number of detectors in “FOLD”. For example, if we consider a specific event has FOLD = 3, then I will have 3 ENERGY and 3 TIME signals.
I am poor in programming! The code which I have is mostly(!) in C++. Mostly - because I said I am a poor programmer and some parts of it may also have some “C” in it
I will be happy to share all the required information with you. But please note that the data files are of 300MB. Can you suggest me a way to share? Can I simply upload it here?
I think the best way is to try to take your code which reads your binary format and marry it with RDataFrame. More in detail, the skeleton could be:
auto N = 123 ; // <- Here the number of events
ROOT::RDataFrame d(N);
d.Define("Energy", yourFunctionReturningEnergy).Define("Time", yourFunctionReturningTime).Snapshot("mytree", "mydataset.root");
But I am looking for a simple and traditional way of generating a Tree. As you might have noticed from the code that - I am already extracting the information and filling histograms as follows:
The attached source code shows how you can save / retrieve “clovers” in / from a TTree (note: if you want a “non-zero-suppressed” TTree, add -D_ZERO_SUPPRESSION_LEVEL_=0 when compiling “canSort_new.cxx”).
It seems that ROOT 5.34 (using the ZLIB level 1 by default) achieves about three times better compression than ROOT 6.14 (using the LZ4 level 4 by default) without any significant difference in execution times so, with ROOT 6 one should always remember to enforce the compression algorithm and its level (which is usually not needed with ROOT 5), e.g.:
f = new TFile(hisfile, "RECREATE", "", 101); // 101 = 100 * ROOT::kZLIB + 1
One can further improve the compression by another factor two if one enforces LZMA (unfortunately, this will also double the execution time but, it may really be worth to bear it), e.g.:
f = new TFile(hisfile, "RECREATE", "", 201); // 201 = 100 * ROOT::kLZMA + 1
Note: The “man lzma” says that the “compression preset level” can be “-0 … -9”. It seems to me that ROOT is unable to use the “-0” (i.e. the “–fast”) level. When one tries “compress = 200” (= 100 * ROOT::kLZMA + 0), one gets uncompressed ROOT files. Manual trials show that ROOT files compressed with “-0” are almost the same size as with “-1” but the time needed is around 20% shorter (at least). So, it would really make sense to modify ROOT so that it recognizes “compress = 200” as “LZMA @ -0” (or maybe one could set the “actual LZMA level” = “ROOT LZMA compression - 1”, so that “201” would be “-0”, “202” would be “-1” and so on).
Your help and time is highly appreciated. It will certainly help me. I can see that you have been working on this all the time since I have posted the code
That’s “simple variables” versus “arrays” (and anyhow, for these arrays, writing &array is equivalent to writing simply array, you can try if you want).
Note that in the above “canSort_new.cxx” source code _clov_mult_ = clov_mult; so I could use the original clov_mult variable everywhere. But I decided to introduce a separate _clov_mult_, just for the TTree, in case you wanted to change its value / meaning in future (so that the original clov_mult could remain unchanged).
I have modified the code so that the histograms are filled in a specific way. I am attaching the modified version of the code, just in case you plan to work on it further.
I have compiled the code with -D_ZERO_SUPPRESSION_LEVEL_=2, and then ran it to generate a root file.
After this, when I dumped “non-zero” entries only, I still get zeros as shown below: