Help a newbie, root won't draw

Hi, maybe this is trivial but I’m having trouble.
I’m working with root v 6.32.02 on Ubuntu 24.04 bash shell and I’m having trouble making graphs. I can’t produce images, even the most basic. Brief example; if I make the simple code

void tut1(){
	TH1F *hist= new TH1F("hist", "histogram", 100, 0, 100);	
	TCanvas *c1 = new TCanvas();

On the terminal i open root:
root tut1.C
And get this

root [0] 
Processing tut1.C...
Authorization required, but no authorization protocol specified

And nothing else; I should get an empty histogram canvas (saw a tutorial from “Physics Matters” where he does exactly this).
Likewise if I try to open a TBrowser in root from

root [0] new TBrowser
Authorization required, but no authorization protocol specified
Warning in <TBrowser::TBrowser>: The ROOT browser cannot run in batch mode
(TBrowser *) 0x5a8a1875df50

This authorization line comes up often, I don’t understand how to get rid of it.
It looks like root opens in batch mode, even without me opening with root instead of root -b, and it can never draw images? I don’t know, and I really can’t find a fix.
Thank you.

Dear Alberto,

Thanks for your post and welcome to the ROOT Community!

I would like to point you to this post perhaps it’s useful to go through it.


It did work, thank you!
Got any idea on why that happens?
Cause I tried working on an older ubuntu version, and there was no problem there, why on 24.04 that was happening?