HelloCanvas on Qt app using ROOT with VC2010&Qt 4.8.1

[quote=“fine”] I have committed your corrections made for the Qt project files

qt/inc/rootcintrule.pri qt/inc/rootlibs.pri qt/qt.pro It does allow the user to build the entire “qtExamples” test suite on Windows platform successfully . I did not committee your other corrections to build the entire QtRoot with qmake on Windows . I need to check it yet.[/quote]
Nice if it was useful. Feel free to ask if some hacks need further explanation.

The main problem is the “Root for Windows” huge CPU consumption . The idling “root.exe” in batch mode (!!!) (aka the ROOT command prompt) on Windows consumers ~80-90% of CPU. The clause “in batch mode” means that this effect belongs to the “vanilla” ROOT". The ROOT batch application loads neither QtRoot nor Win32 graphical layer at all. [/quote]
I can’t confirm the observation of CPU consumption; CPU usage of root.exe is normal for me when tested with 5.34.03 release version.