Happy 2020 from ROOT!

Dear ROOT Contributors and ROOT Users,

The ROOT team wishes you a wonderful 2020!

We would like to thank you for supporting us in 2019, be it with sharing your ideas, bug reports, sending patches to improve ROOT - or simply by using ROOT! We will be working hard in 2020 to further improve ROOT, and we are looking forward to hearing from you with ideas, bug reports or patches!

We wish you joy at work and at home plus health for 2020!

Best regards,
Axel, for the ROOT team


Thanks, for good wishes


Happy new year 2020 ROOT community.

Thanks ROOT, happy new year ROOT community.

Le sam. 4 janv. 2020 à 02:46, Hammiu via ROOT Forum root.discourse@cern.ch a écrit :

Thanks ROOT, happy new year ROOT community.

Thanks, Happy New Year ROOT community.

Happy new year 2020 ROOT community.

Happy New Year 2020 ROOT community!

Thanks ROOT, happy new year ROOT community.

Welcome , how are you?.


2020-01-07 06:35:53"Wallison Campanelli via ROOT Forum" root.discourse@cern.ch写道: