Hadd: The last basket must have the highest entry number


I have a problem with hadd when I try to add files via a batch system. I try to recursively add files (extreme example: 2000 files in batches of 10 files: 200 jobs, then again in batch of 10 files: 20 jobs, then 2 jobs -> final file ). If I execute this on one machine each job sequentially I finally get a good .root file.
If I now send off each level into our batch system the merging of the next level (in the example the 20 jobs) fails with this error message:

I already checked if the root version is same on all machines and the kernel version is also the same (expect for the minor version number 2.6.9-78.0.x, but all 64bit).

Does anyone has an idea what went wrong?


This might happen when your merge files that are still being written by another process.
