Hadd large root files

Hi Experts,
Im trying to mere two root files,

24926905172 Nov 24 09:58 out_file1.root
38849041801 Nov 24 10:02 out_file2.root

Each has two TTrees i.e. nEvents and myEvents
when i do:
hadd Combine_2018.root out_file1.root out_file2.root

hadd Target file: Combine_2018.root
hadd compression setting for all output: 101
hadd Source file 1: out_file1.root
hadd Source file 2: out_file2.root
hadd Target path: Combine_2018.root:/
Error in <TFile::WriteBuffer>: error writing all requested bytes to file Combine_2018.root, wrote 1471 of 147893
SysError in <TFile::WriteBuffer>: error writing to file Combine_2018.root (-1) File too large
Warning in <TTreeCloner::TTreeCloner>: The output TTree (nEvents) must be associated with a writable file (Combine_2018.root).
Warning in <TTree::CopyEntries>: The output TTree (nEvents) must be associated with a writable file (root://eoshome-a.cern.ch//eos/user/<PATH to files>/out_file1.root).
Error in <TFileMerger::Merge>: error during merge of your ROOT files

ROOT Version: 6.32.08
Platform: lxplus


Thanks for the report.
I am adding @silverweed and @pcanal in the loop.


Can you check that you have write access to the output file and/or whether it is full (or you reached your quota)?

Thanks @Danilo & @pcanal ,
Yes i have the write access since these two files i.e. out_file1.root/out_file2.root are created by merging other files. but the problem occurs when i try to merge these two files. and yes i have enough space available.


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