Hadd for .root* files on macos

Continuing the discussion from Change to hadd that breaks previously working code:

I have a similar problem on macos: I have a load of files named file.root.1, file.root.2 etc.
If I do hadd -f output.root *.root* on macos it gives me the error hadd could not validate argument "file.root.0" as input file, while if i do the same process on the lxplus linux servers there’s no problem…


Thanks for the post.
To unblock you fast, I think a workaround has been provided here.

What versions of ROOT do you have on linux and on macos?


Hi Danilo, thanks for the quick reply and the signposting.

On mac I’m running 6.32.00 whereas on linux I have 6.26.08. Looking at the other post it actually seems it might just be the version that’s the problem!

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