Hadd does not copy TH1::fFunctions


Using this version of root:


on lxplus252

I test hadd on two simple root files(f1, f2 attached) and merge them into merge.root also attached. If I do:

root file:f1//or f2


I get:

OBJ: TList TList Doubly linked list : 0 OBJ: TPaveStats stats X1= 8.500000 Y1=3280.902247 X2=11.000000 Y2=3995.112242 TLine X1=0.000000 Y1=1000.000000 X2=10.000000 Y2=1000.000000
However for the merged root file I get:

OBJ: TList TList Doubly linked list : 0 OBJ: TPaveStats stats X1= 8.500000 Y1=3280.902247 X2=11.000000 Y2=3995.112242

Our monitoring code utilizes TLines and TBoxes extensively to highlight different regions of our detector on TH2Fs. However, when we merge the root files with hadd, these attributes are no longer present in the histogram.

Is this intentional since it may make no sense to merge fits of histograms? Or was it just never considered?

merge.root (5.1 KB)

Seems like I couldn’t attach all three files. I am trying again with a tarball.
files.tgz (10.1 KB)