GUI Widget for help text

Hi all,

I’ve got a small application based on tabs, and I would like that on of these tabs was filled with the “help” of this application. That is, some mixture of text and pictures (any old format will do…). If possible also symbols etc. This text should be static and non editable. Is there something I could use or do I have to create several different frames text etc. One possibility would be a pdf reader in a TGCompositeFrame and I make the pdf elsewhere…



Hi Joa,

Yes, you can use a TRootEmbeddedCanvas and display your pdf inside.

Cheers, Bertrand.


For the interested:

I think I will go for a TGHtmlBrowser in a Composite frame in TGCanvas in my tab. This, together with some Makefile magic to get the paths in the html right, should do it…

