Grid, axis and "numbers" of a histogram

I have some questions.

If I write:

TFile *f = new TFile("visualizzazione.root","RECREATE");

I obtain a ROOT file with my histogram without the grid, and a object “hgrid” there is only the axis.
Now, is there a method to obtain a ROOT file with the final result?
And a method for obtain directly a jpg file?

Thank you

there is two objects so that is normal. If you save as a jpg a gif or a PS file it will be ok.

I know that is normal.
if I run the program I obtain immediately the result that I want, without open the TBrowser.
If I open the TBrowser and the ROOT file, that I obtain from program, I have the two object, but I don’t have the result that I want.

can you send a small script showing what you are doing exactly ?

It’s not important, because I solved the problem saving directly on a jpg-file.

If I want line number 8, 16 and 22 of the grid with a greater thickness, is there a method?


There is no really simple way …