Graphing the Formula

I am trying to plot this formula. for

Here is my code:

TCanvas *c = new TCanvas();
	double_t x;
TF1* f1 = new TF1("f1", "132*TMath::Sqrt(((1-TMath::Exp(-4.49*TMath::Power(10,-3)*(TMath::Sqrt(4*TMath::Sq(x)-TMath::Sq(0.14)))*(-194)/(TMath::Sq(x)))/(1-TMath::Exp(-4.49*TMath::(10,-3)*(TMath::Sqrt(4*TMath::Sq(x)-TMath::Sq(0.14)))*(-50)/TMath::Sq(x))))",0, 30); 
	f1->SetTitle("#NRHF S/#sqrt{B} ; E_{#nu} [Gev];  f(L=50m, E_{#nu})"); 

I am messing up something here. The error message shows near TMath::Power.

Thank you.

Hi Aayush,

the problem is here:

You forgot the Power. You can simplify things a lot by defining b separately. Also, you do not have to define x. The following works:

float boostFactor(float x) {return -4.49e-3*TMath::Sqrt(4*TMath::Sq(x)-TMath::Sq(0.14))/TMath::Sq(x);}

void fo()
        TCanvas *c = new TCanvas();

        TF1* f1 = new TF1("f1", "132*TMath::Sqrt((1-TMath::Exp(-194*boostFactor(x)))/(1-TMath::Exp(-50*boostFactor(x))))", 0, 30);
        f1->SetTitle("#NRHF S/#sqrt{B} ; E_{#nu} [Gev];  f(L=50m, E_{#nu})");

You save both these functions into a fo.cxx, then you do

root -l fo.cxx
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Awesome! Thank you, Yus.

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