GQt library does not exist

Dear all,
I’m trying to retrieve an histo from a root file and then plot it:

[quote]root [0] TFile *f = new TFile(“data/histo/calibration-100118-161040.root”,“READ”)
root [1] TH1F Cell_58_3_19 = (TH1F)f->Get(“Cell_58_3_19”)
root [2] Cell_58_3_19->Draw()
Error in TUnixSystem::DynamicPathName: GQt[.so | .sl | .dl | .a | .dll] does not exist in .:/home/bomben/root-520/root/lib::/home/bomben/root-520/root/lib:/usr/evolution28/lib:/home/bomben/root-520/root/lib:/usr/evolution28/lib:/home/bomben/root-520/root/lib:/home/bomben/root-520/root/cint/cint/stl
Warning in TCanvas::ResizePad: c1 width changed from 0 to 10

Warning in TCanvas::ResizePad: c1 height changed from 0 to 10

TCanvas::MakeDefCanvas: created default TCanvas with name c1

As you can see I’m getting problems related to GQt.
I enabled qt and re-compiled, but nothing changed. And, indeed, no exists.

I’m using root 5.22.

By the way, I do not understand why it is complaining about libGQt in reading back a file.

Many thanks in advance,

PS in attachment the root file
calibration-100118-161040.root (1.16 MB)

Qt is not required (AND NOT RECOMMENDED) to draw histograms or any other ROOT object.
It is likely that somewhere in $ROOTSYS/etc/system.rootrc or in $HOME/.rootrc you have modified or activated lines like

Gui.Backend: qt Gui.Factory: qt if you have these lines, replace them by

Gui.Backend: native Gui.Factory: native


Dear Rene,
many thanks for your quick reply. I managed to plot my histograms.

Now I have another question: I had set qt as gui.backend and gui.factory because I’m using qtroot for a c++/root/qt/qtroot application.
Should I run ‘one’ root for the application and ‘a different one’ for opening histos or there is a (simple) way to use the same root?

Many thanks in advance,

In principle you should be able to run one single version (say qtroot).
However the experience shows that the qt interfaces are quite weak and unstable
and source of several problems difficult to debug and follow for us.


Now I have another question: I had set qt as gui.backend and gui.factory because I’m using qtroot for a c++/root/qt/qtroot application.
Should I run ‘one’ root for the application and ‘a different one’ for opening histos or there is a (simple) way to use the same root?
[/quote]Yes, you can use it.
Can you clarify your installation?
If you use qtroot then does exist. If it does exist you should not see any problem. I do not understand why your root session can not find it.

[quote=“bomben”]… [quote]root [0] TFile *f = new TFile(“data/histo/calibration-100118-161040.root”,“READ”)
root [1] TH1F Cell_58_3_19 = (TH1F)f->Get(“Cell_58_3_19”)
root [2] Cell_58_3_19->Draw()
Error in TUnixSystem::DynamicPathName: GQt[.so | .sl | .dl | .a | .dll] does not exist in .:/home/bomben/root-520/root/lib::/home/bomben/root-[/quote]…
By the way, I do not understand why it is complaining about libGQt in reading back a file.
[/quote] I does not complain “reading back a file”. It complains as soon as you invoke the method Draw. root [2] Cell_58_3_19->Draw()

However the experience shows that the qt interfaces are quite weak and unstable. . .
[/quote]I would like to take this opportunity to encourage all QtRoot users to send me all problems they encounter.
Do not hesitate to file a bug report. Please, do not keep it as a big secret.

I encourage all QtRoot users to keep their QtRoot version up-to-date. The fresh version can be always installed.

See page
QtRoot can be updated separately. One is not required to get the latest ROOT version to get the latest QtRoot.

[quote=“brun”]… source of several problems difficult to debug and follow for us.[/quote]Rene , let me repeat, Please do not bother yourself with QtRoot issues. Please, do not waste your valuable time, Please forward all QtRoot related issues coming from QtRoot users to Brookhaven National Laboratory. Please advise them to use list directly too.

Dear Valeri,
thanks for taking care of this.
I will post on qtroot forum asap.

Many thanks and regards,