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Hello everyone, I am trying to get nDigiHF
value from the hcalnano_calib.root
, It’s a leaf.
TFile *input = new TFile("hcalnano_calib.root","read"); //Root binary file that includes events
TTree *tree = (TTree*)input->Get("Events"); //Reads file and gets events
double nDigiHF;
float DigiHF_fc0,DigiHF_fc1,DigiHF_fc2;
int entries = tree->GetEntries();
cout << entries << endl;
for(Int_t i = 1; i<=entries; i++)
cout << i << " : " << nDigiHF(i) << endl;
There is just 2 entries, I want to see each of them so I can do calculation with it but I am getting an error.
ts_vs_fc.C:62:31: error: called object type 'double' is not a function or function pointer
cout << i << " : " << nDigiHF(i) << endl;
Could someone help me with this problem that I have ? Thanks in advance