Getting error when running a selector code in root

Dear Experts,

I am writting a singlecandidate selector code. I have created by Tselector. It is compiling(make command). But when I am trying to run it is giving some error. I don’t know much about the singlecandidate selector code. I am attaching the error. Could you please see the error and tell me how to solve it.

datatype: 'data’
cut: 'cut0’
input file: 'BsToPhiMuMu.root’
output file: 'selBsToPhiMuMu.root’
Error in TChain::LoadTree: Cannot find tree with name tree in file BsToPhiMuMu.root

*** Break *** segmentation violation

Thanks in advance


Hi Deepak,

apparently there is no TTree called tree in the file you are opening. How is the tree called?
