Get the mean from several leaves from a TTree


I’m reading a data.txt file and storing what is inside (three column of values) in a tree :


x | E | alpha
1 1 0.456
1 1 0.345
1 2 0.567
1 2 0.435
1 3 0.987
1 3 0.133

I now have a thousand of leaves in mytree.

Is it possible to write a request to get the mean of all the ‘alpha’ for x=1 and E=3 (for instance) ?


one way to do it is with RDataFrame. Example code, I haven’t tested it but it should give you an idea:

ROOT::RDataFrame df(*mytree);
double mean = df.Filter("x == 1 && E == 3").Mean("alpha").GetValue();


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