Garfield++ problem

hello sir/madam,
i have successfully created Gemcell.geo file for double GEM detector between electrode and meshed them after solving solver input file and import in garfield++ i got error. can you plz check my .sif file is correct or not for double layer GEM detector.

i have attched my Gemcell.sif file and Gemcell.geo geometry screenshot

sif.txt (3.5 KB)

Hi @Dk_ntm,

@jrenner might be able to help you with this.

Hello! The Garfield++ expert is @hschindl, who might be able to help.

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the error message suggests that there is a material (index) in your field map that is not included in the dielectrics.dat file. Maybe check if you forgot to add a line to dielectrics.dat?

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