Garfield ++ installation and Geant-4 interfacing

Hi, i want to study the effects of Electric field and charge particle interaction on the energy deposition inside a Proportional counter, so i was suggested to use Garfield ++ on the geant4 forum. I have installed the Garfield ++ package and tried the example. Almost every example worked but the Geant4GarfieldInterface didn’t worked.
How can i rectify this error.

Here is the commands i used to install and make the package.
export GARFIELD_HOME=/home/ujjwal/garfield/
ujjwal@Jarvis:~$ git clone garfield / garfieldpp · GitLab $GARFIELD_HOME
git pull
mkdir build
cd build/
source /home/ujjwal/root/build/bin/
source /home/ujjwal/software/geant4/geant4-v11.2.1-mt-install/bin/

make -j14
make install


it looks like your Geant4 installation was built without the GDML option. Can you try re-building G4 with the CMake option “-DGEANT4_USE_GDML=ON”?

Thankyou for your reply, now i’ve implemented this and tried the example provided in the garfield ++ example folder and it worked. After that i tried 1 example provided in a paper titled “Interfacing Geant4, Garfield++ and Degrad for the simulation of gaseous detectors”. The link for the example is " GitHub - lennertdekeukeleere/Geant4GarfieldDegradInterface: A general example on how to interface Geant4 with Garfield++ and Degrad". It was having the following issue. Can you suggest me how can i rectify this

As i am very new into this, your help would be appreciable
Once again thanks

No idea, sorry. I noticed that the example is quite old (last change was 5 years ago), maybe it was based on an older version of Geant4?
Is there something specific to this example that you need?

Alright, thanks for your reply. I’ll try to investigate this further.

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