Hi, i want to study the effects of Electric field and charge particle interaction on the energy deposition inside a Proportional counter, so i was suggested to use Garfield ++ on the geant4 forum. I have installed the Garfield ++ package and tried the example. Almost every example worked but the Geant4GarfieldInterface didn’t worked.
How can i rectify this error.
Here is the commands i used to install and make the package.
export GARFIELD_HOME=/home/ujjwal/garfield/
ujjwal@Jarvis:~$ git clone garfield / garfieldpp · GitLab $GARFIELD_HOME
git pull
mkdir build
cd build/
source /home/ujjwal/root/build/bin/thisroot.sh
source /home/ujjwal/software/geant4/geant4-v11.2.1-mt-install/bin/geant4.sh
No idea, sorry. I noticed that the example is quite old (last change was 5 years ago), maybe it was based on an older version of Geant4?
Is there something specific to this example that you need?