Funny error message


I’m generating a pretty normal root tree (no TClonesArray or other fancy stuff), and in fact it works with most of my (root input files). However there are some files where I can open the generated root tree, but when I try to plot any of the variable the following error message appears:

Error in : BadMatch (invalid parameter attributes) (XID: 62914749, XREQ: 42)

Since I’m not aware of any difference in the input files I’m quite puzzled…

Any ideas?



I’ve figured out that the inpu root tuples which I’m using were generated with ROOT version 3.05/00. Again I’m using version 3.05/00 to generate a subset root tuple. This subset root tuple doesn’t work correctly, it crashes both root 3.10/02 and root 4.00/04 when just drawing a simple variable. I’ve attached the source code which I’m using to generate the subset root tuple, just in case that somebody wants to look at it.

data.cpp (39.8 KB)


Beside making sure that L3E_Nelectron stays under 40, I do not see any obvious problem.

To further investigate, I would a complete example to reproduce the problem. In addition you may want to compile your macro and run using valgrind (if you are using Linux).
