FriendTrees + Copytree

Hey all,

I’m have two tree, pedestalTree, selectionTree

both trees have the same number of entrie. I added the pedestalTree as a friend of the selectionTree:

Now i’m trying to create a new tree by Copytree, with cutting on one variable:

Afterwards I want to readout data from this tree (EventNumber is in the pedestalTree)
I can search for a certain Branch:

root [20] selectionTree->FindBranch("EventNumber") (class TBranch*)0x7ffac2826960
But when I’m trying to set the branch address it returns 0:

If I’m trying to Print the event Number I got the following output

root [22] for(int i=0;i<cuttedTree->GetEntries()&&i<3;i++){cuttedTree->GetEntry(i);cout<<i<<"\t"<<event_number<<endl;}
Error in <TBasket::Streamer>: The value of fNevBufSize is incorrect (-772894958) ; trying to recover by setting it to zero
0	0
Error in <TBasket::Streamer>: The value of fNevBufSize is incorrect (-772894958) ; trying to recover by setting it to zero
1	0
Error in <TBasket::Streamer>: The value of fNevBufSize is incorrect (-772894958) ; trying to recover by setting it to zero
2	0

Can someone tell me what is the problem?
What do I have to do different?
Is it possible at all to do things like this with FriendTrees?