Fit results without histogram statistics?


I’m fitting profile histograms and wonder if there is a way to include the fit results in the statistics box without including the statistics themselves (e.g. entries, mean, rms)? I’ve tried TH1::SetStats(kFALSE) and gStyle->SetOptStat(0) but both result in no box whatsoever.

mike kordosky

Unless you use a very old version, this should work.

gStyle->SetOptStat(0); gStyle->SetOptFit(1111); h.Fit("gaus");


You are correct. Very sorry for the trouble… I was trying to do exactly what you posted but I cannot now figure how it was being screwed up. Hmmm…

Oh… I have this little function “move_stats()” which aligns multiple stats boxes on the pad. I just figured out that following your prescription only works when I call move_stats() at the end of the macro. I added the call after I got the stats box to display by setting gStyle->SetOptStat(“e”) (just the least offensive option, I could have picked another). Now, I notice when I go back and insert your prescription but do not call move_stats() I get the same behaviour as before (no boxes). This is with v4.02.00. I can make up an example if you like.


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