Filling branch with PyRoot limited

hello, I’m trying to create a ttree with PyRoot from a list but when I’m filling the tree ,only a part of the data are putted in the tree(the 20 first data only)
for example :

from ROOT import TFile, TTree
    from array import array

    f = TFile( 'test.root', 'recreate' )
    t = TTree( 't1', 'tree ' )
    maxn = 40
    n = array( 'i', [ 0 ] )
    m = array( 'i', [ 0 ] )
    o = array( 'i', [ 0 ] )
    d = array( 'i', maxn*[ 0] )
    t.Branch( 'L1', n, 'L1/I' )
    t.Branch( 'L2', m, 'L2/I' )
    t.Branch( 'L4', o, 'L4/I' )
    t.Branch( 'list', d, 'list[L4]/i' )

    for k in range(0,len(L)):
       n[0] = L[k][0]
       m[0] =L[k][1]

       for i in range(0,o[0]):
           d[i] =L[k][2][i]

the program run without problem but when I open the root file only a part is inside:

root [1] t1->Show(0)
======> EVENT:0
 L1              = 1
 L2              = 2
 L4              = 25
 list            = 3, 
                  4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 
                  14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22


ROOT Version: 6.16
Platform: Ubuntu 18.04

@etejedor can you help here?

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Hi @Neimolim,

I ran your script to generate the test.root file and when I read, I get the 25 expected elements for the array branch. You can use the following script to read them:

from ROOT import TFile

f = TFile( 'test.root')
t = f.t1

for e in t:
  print("ARRAY OF INTS of SIZE {}".format(len(e.list)))
  for elem in e.list:
  break # just to read first entry
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Hi @etejedor ,
Thank you for your answer. Indeed with your script I can see all the element so may be it’s just a wrong parameter or a display problem on ROOT function Show() in the terminal ?

Indeed Show has a lenmax parameter:

which defaults to 20 and sets the maximum number of elements of an array branch that are printed.

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