Filling a TTree does not work inside a python function

Describe the bug

Building a TTree inside a python3 function triggers a seg fault. Running the same code outside of the function works fine. I provided two scripts that should do the same thing, one works (inline) and the other doesn’t (with function). Am I overlooking something? Thanks for the help!!

Expected behavior

Build a TTree, convert it to RDataFrame and save.

To Reproduce

  1. running with the function (crashes):
def npz_to_root(data: np.lib.npyio.NpzFile, columns_names: dict, id_col: bool = True, id_start: int = 0, out_file: str = None, tree_name: str = "data") -> ROOT.RDataFrame:
    """Converts a NpzFile object into a ROOT RDataFrame

    data : NpzFile
        Npz file loaded with np.load()
    columns_names : dict
        Keys for columns and values for the corresponding keys in the npz file
    id_col : bool, optional
        If the id col should be computed, by default True
    id_start : int, optional
        Where to start counting the id, by default 0
    out_file : str, optional
        Name of the output file, by default None
    tree_name : str, optional
        Name of the tree object in the RDataFrame, by default "data"

        Converted RDataFrame

    import ROOT
    import numpy as np
    with np.load("data.npz") as data:
        rdf = npz_to_root(data, {"features_float": "data_float"})
    tree = ROOT.TTree()
    data_arrs = dict()

    if out_file:
        os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(out_file), exist_ok=True)

    if id_col:
        data_arrs["id"] = np.array([0], dtype=np.int32)
        tree.Branch("id", data_arrs["id"], "id/I")
        evt_counter = id_start

    for columns in columns_names:
        for icol, col in enumerate(data[columns]):
            data_type = data[columns_names[columns]][0][icol]
            # get a value and check the type, converting to 32 bits if needed
            if np.issubdtype(type(data_type), np.integer) and np.dtype(type(data_type)).itemsize > 4:
                data_type = np.int32
            elif np.issubdtype(type(data_type), np.bool_):
                data_type = np.int32
            elif np.issubdtype(type(data_type), np.float64):
                data_type = np.float32
                data_type = type(data_type)

            data_arrs[col] = np.array([0], dtype=data_type)
            tree.Branch(col, data_arrs[col],
            # 14 is the position of the first letter of the type
            # "<class 'numpy.int32'>"[14] == "i"

    total_rows = len(data[columns_names[columns]])

    for row in tqdm(range(total_rows)):
        for columns in columns_names:
            for icol, col in enumerate(data[columns]):
                data_arrs[col][0] = data[columns_names[columns]][row][icol]

        if id_col:
            data_arrs["id"][0] = evt_counter
            evt_counter += 1


    rdf = ROOT.RDataFrame(tree) # CODE CRASHES HERE
    if out_file:
        rdf.Snapshot(tree_name, out_file)

    return rdf

columns_names = {
    "features_int"     : "data_int"   ,
    "features_float"   : "data_float" ,
    "features_bool"    : "data_bool"  ,

with np.load("path/to/dataset.npz") as d:
    rdf = npz_to_root(d, columns_names)
  1. running inline code (works fine):
with np.load(path) as data:
    tree = ROOT.TTree()
    data_arrs = dict()
    if out_file:
        os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(out_file), exist_ok=True)
    if id_col:
        data_arrs["id"] = np.array([0], dtype=np.int32)
        tree.Branch("id", data_arrs["id"], "id/I")
        evt_counter = id_start
    for columns in columns_names:
        for icol, col in enumerate(data[columns]):
            data_type = data[columns_names[columns]][0][icol]
            # get a value and check the type, converting to 32 bits if needed
            if np.issubdtype(type(data_type), np.integer) and np.dtype(type(data_type)).itemsize > 4:
                data_type = np.int32
            elif np.issubdtype(type(data_type), np.bool_):
                data_type = np.int32
            elif np.issubdtype(type(data_type), np.float64):
                data_type = np.float32
                data_type = type(data_type)
            data_arrs[col] = np.array([0], dtype=data_type)
            tree.Branch(col, data_arrs[col],
            # 14 is the position of the first letter of the type
            # "<class 'numpy.int32'>"[14] == "i"
    total_rows = len(data[columns_names[columns]])
    for row in tqdm(range(total_rows)):
        for columns in columns_names:
            for icol, col in enumerate(data[columns]):
                data_arrs[col][0] = data[columns_names[columns]][row][icol]
        if id_col:
            data_arrs["id"][0] = evt_counter
            evt_counter += 1
    rdf = ROOT.RDataFrame(tree)
    if out_file:
        rdf.Snapshot(tree_name, out_file)

Additional info

tree.Print() also does not seem to work from inside the function, but calling it in the inline file is fine.
The dataset.npz file is read in the format:

{"features_int":["col_1", "col_2"], 
 "data_int":[[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6], ..., [n, n]],
 "features_float":["col_f3", "col_f4"], 
 "data_float":[[3.14, 2.71], ..., [n, n]],


ROOT v6.30/02
Built for linuxx8664gcc on Dec 20 2023, 18:59:44
From heads/master@tags/v6-30-02
With g++ (GCC) 13.1.0
Binary directory: /cvmfs/

lsetup "views LCG_105 x86_64-el9-gcc13-opt"


    tree = ROOT.TTree()

The tree needs a name and you can be stored it directly into the file (this allows storing TTree that does not fit in RAM)

    file = False
    if out_file:
        file = ROOT.TFile.Open(out_file, "RECREATE")
    tree = ROOT.TTree(tree_name)
    if file:
    .... loop ...
    if file:

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