File / histogram size


maybe this is a very simple question but nevertheless I can’t find what I need. I have a TBrowser open with a number of root files. Each of these files contains several folders with a number of histograms. Is it possible within the TBrowser to find out the size of

  1. the root-file in total
  2. one of the folders
  3. one of the histograms

If not, how else can I access that information. Ok, the root file size is easy - but the rest?

Thanks in advance for any hint!


Hi Petra,

In the browser, you have access to context menus by clicking with the right mouse button, and then you can select “Inspect”, “Dump”, “Scan” (depending on the object). And in the new browser, the file size is indicated in the tooltip of the corresponding list tree item.

Cheers, Bertrand.

Hi Bertrand,

I already tried Inspect and Dump (I don’t see Scan) but I don’t see any useful information. I get a lot of parameters of the object (e.g. axis titles, number of bins etc.) but I don’t find a size. I attach the info for file / directory / histogram I get. Maybe you see more than me.

Thanks for your help!!!


Well, if you need more infos about the objects in the file, you can do something like this (from the command line):

root [0] TFile *f = TFile::Open("fillrandom.root")
root [1] f->GetListOfKeys()->Dump()
==> Dumping object at: 0x034d3cc0, name=form1, class=TKey

fVersion                      4           Key version identifier
fNbytes                       224         Number of bytes for the object on file
fObjlen                       169         Length of uncompressed object in bytes
fDatime                       ->34d3ce8   Date/Time of insertion in file
fDatime.fDatime               20100121/171246
fKeylen                       55          Number of bytes for the key itself
fCycle                        1           Cycle number
fSeekKey                      226         Location of object on file
fSeekPdir                     100         Location of parent directory on file
fClassName                    ->34d3d08   Object Class name
fClassName.*fData             TFormula
fLeft                         0           Number of bytes left in current segment
*fBuffer                      ->0
*fBufferRef                   ->0         Pointer to the TBuffer object
fPidOffset                    0           ! Offset to be added to the pid index in this key/buffer.  This is actually saved in the high bits of fSeekPdir
*fMotherDir                   ->359d118   ! pointer to mother directory
fName                         ->34d3ccc   object identifier
fName.*fData                  form1
fTitle                        ->34d3cd4   object title
fTitle.*fData                 abs(sin(x)/x)
fUniqueID                     2           object unique identifier
fBits                         0x03000000  bit field status word
==> Dumping object at: 0x034d3d30, name=sqroot, class=TKey

fVersion                      4           Key version identifier
fNbytes                       282         Number of bytes for the object on file
fObjlen                       458         Length of uncompressed object in bytes
fDatime                       ->34d3d58   Date/Time of insertion in file
fDatime.fDatime               20100121/171246
fKeylen                       57          Number of bytes for the key itself
fCycle                        1           Cycle number
fSeekKey                      450         Location of object on file
fSeekPdir                     100         Location of parent directory on file
fClassName                    ->34d3d78   Object Class name
fClassName.*fData             TF1
fLeft                         0           Number of bytes left in current segment
*fBuffer                      ->0
*fBufferRef                   ->0         Pointer to the TBuffer object
fPidOffset                    0           ! Offset to be added to the pid index in this key/buffer.  This is actually saved in the high bits of fSeekPdir
*fMotherDir                   ->359d118   ! pointer to mother directory
fName                         ->34d3d3c   object identifier
fName.*fData                  sqroot
fTitle                        ->34d3d44   object title
fTitle.*fData                 x*gaus(0)+[3]*form1
fUniqueID                     3           object unique identifier
fBits                         0x03000000  bit field status word
==> Dumping object at: 0x034d3da0, name=h1f, class=TKey

fVersion                      4           Key version identifier
fNbytes                       944         Number of bytes for the object on file
fObjlen                       2043        Length of uncompressed object in bytes
fDatime                       ->34d3dc8   Date/Time of insertion in file
fDatime.fDatime               20100121/171246
fKeylen                       55          Number of bytes for the key itself
fCycle                        1           Cycle number
fSeekKey                      732         Location of object on file
fSeekPdir                     100         Location of parent directory on file
fClassName                    ->34d3de8   Object Class name
fClassName.*fData             TH1F
fLeft                         0           Number of bytes left in current segment
*fBuffer                      ->0
*fBufferRef                   ->0         Pointer to the TBuffer object
fPidOffset                    0           ! Offset to be added to the pid index in this key/buffer.  This is actually saved in the high bits of fSeekPdir
*fMotherDir                   ->359d118   ! pointer to mother directory
fName                         ->34d3dac   object identifier
fName.*fData                  h1f
fTitle                        ->34d3db4   object title
fTitle.*fData                 Test random numbers
fUniqueID                     4           object unique identifier
fBits                         0x03000000  bit field status word

Cheers, Bertrand.

What do you want to see exactly?
-the size of the compressed objects on disk
-the size of a complete folder including its contents (on disk)
-or the same but for expanded objects in memory.

Currently you can only get the size of the file. However, it would be straithforward to
provide the info for the objects on disk.


I want to see the first two points. I have a root file that is about 55 MB in size on disk. This contains folders of histograms. I want to know how much of the 55 MB are contained in a certain folder to find out the “big players”. Is there an easy way to do that?

We can easily add this information in the tooltip generated when you move the mouse on top of the object.


That would be great! Thanks!