Fastjet in root on Mac OS


I posted that on an existing thread, but the topic does not show up as unresolved, so I am posting it separately below:

Any hints / suggestions would be greatly appreciated


I think this is an example where ROOT6 shines.
Once ROOT6 is available on your system you can do the following.

  1. Get fastjet, compile it and start up root:
curl -O
tar zxvf fastjet-3.0.6.tar.gz
cd fastjet-3.0.6/
./configure --prefix=$PWD/../fastjet-install
make -j 12
make check
make install
cd ..
ROOT_INCLUDE_PATH=fastjet-install/include/ LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:`pwd`/fastjet-install/lib/ root -b
  1. Take this code, copied from the fastjet main page, and copy it into the prompt:
#include "fastjet/ClusterSequence.hh"
#include <iostream>
using namespace fastjet;
using namespace std;

vector<PseudoJet> particles;
// an event with three particles:   px    py  pz      E
particles.push_back(PseudoJet(99.0,  0.1,  0, 100.0));
particles.push_back(PseudoJet(4.0, -0.1,  0,   5.0));
particles.push_back(PseudoJet(-99.0,    0,  0,  99.0));

// choose a jet definition
double R = 0.7;
JetDefinition jet_def(antikt_algorithm, R);

// run the clustering, extract the jets
ClusterSequence cs(particles, jet_def);
vector<PseudoJet> jets = sorted_by_pt(cs.inclusive_jets());

// print out some infos
cout << "Clustering with " << jet_def.description() << endl;

// print the jets
cout <<   "        pt y phi" << endl;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < jets.size(); i++){
   cout << "jet " << i << ": " << jets[i].pt() << " "
        << jets[i].rap() << " " << jets[i].phi() << endl;
   vector<PseudoJet> constituents = jets[i].constituents();
   for (unsigned j = 0; j < constituents.size(); j++) {
      cout << "    constituent " << j << "'s pt: " << constituents[j].pt()
           << endl;

You will get the desired output:

jet 0: 103 0 0
    constituent 0's pt: 99.0001
    constituent 1's pt: 4.00125
jet 1: 99 0 3.14159
    constituent 0's pt: 99



I think this is an example where ROOT6 shines.
Once ROOT6 is available on your system you can do the following.

I’m sure ROOT6 will also make me espresso and remind me to buy milk.

However, I’m stuck with ROOT5 for a little while. Any ideas about ROOT5?


You might get some help if you post a full reproducer.


I thought I did? Which information is missing from what I posted?


The actual files you used with correct names ant the list of commands typed at the prompt.


Which information is missing from what I posted?

The actual files you used with correct names ant the list of commands typed at the prompt.


Files attached.
The fastjet files are standard unmodified fastjet-3.1.0,
built as per standard instructions.

Root command sequence
root [0] .include /Users/gerstein/fastjet/fastjet-install/include
root [1] int a = gSystem->Load(“fastjet-install/lib/”); cout<<a<<"\n";
root [2] .L
include.tar.gz (165 KB) (1.16 KB)

turns out the dylib extensions are not allowed, so I slapped a .txt on top of it.
libfastjet.0.dylib.txt (754 KB)


Use [code]
#ifndef CINT
// implementation of JetDefinition::operator() is here to avoid nasty
// issues of order of implementations and includes
std::vector JetDefinition::operator()(const std::vector & particles) const {
// create a new cluster sequence
ClusterSequence * cs = new ClusterSequence(particles, *this);

// get the jets, and sort them according to whether the algorithm
// is spherical or not
std::vector jets;
if (is_spherical()) {
jets = sorted_by_E(cs->inclusive_jets());
} else {
jets = sorted_by_pt(cs->inclusive_jets());

// make sure the ClusterSequence gets deleted once it’s no longer
// needed
if (jets.size() != 0) {
} else {
delete cs;

return jets;
#endif // CINT[/code]

This construct can not be parsed by CINT and is not essential to dictionary generation.


PS. Of course, a consequence is that this operator is not useable from the interpreter (for this, use ROOT v6).


This construct can not be parsed by CINT and is not essential to dictionary generation.


Hi Philippe,

thanks so much!
It works now.
