Failed to open file

Dear @moneta,
When I am trying to access a file from DAS, it shows me the following error:

 "Impossible to send message kXR_open (file: /store/mc/RunIISummer20UL16MiniAODv2/BsToMuMuPhi_PhiToKK_BMuonFilter_SoftQCDnonD_TuneCP5_13TeV-pythia8-evtgen/MINIAODSIM/106X_mcRun2_asymptotic_v17-v2/2560000/0F8049EA-426D-6549-B554-871136BCBD85.root?, mode: 0460, flags: kXR_open_read kXR_async kXR_retstat ). Trying to recover.
Unable to load sec.protocol plugin
Unable to load sec.protocol plugin
Unable to load sec.protocol plugin
Unable to load sec.protocol plugin
%MSG-w XrdAdaptorInternal:  file_open 22-Aug-2023 14:20:46 CEST pre-events
Failed to open file at URL root://".

Could you please look into the issue?

Best regards,

Dear @Samarendra_Nayak ,

I am not really sure about your usecase. I ran a quick google search for the error you show above

Which led me to this twiki post XRootDAndTokens < CMSPublic < TWiki suggesting that it means you have a wrong version of xrootd? Are you also using CMSSW? Maybe this is a question for that forum rather than this one.


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