Failed to install root-6.26.00 on Ubuntu 22.04

Hi there,

I would like to ask some assistance with installing ROOT on Ubuntu 22.04. I need an unconventional installation of ROOT for my project, which means that ROOT must be built from source. I intend to use it inside an HPC environment and chose to set it up inside a container. The ROOT version I am trying to install is 6.26.00. The compiler is GNU 11.4.0 and container OS is Ubuntu 22.04.

When I try to compile ROOT with cmake, I get an error in the XROOTD building step.

cmake --build . --target install -j 3
[ 0%] Built target LZMA
[ 0%] Built target AFTERIMAGE
[ 0%] Built target TBB
[ 0%] Built target OPENUI5
[ 0%] Built target move_header_roofit_hs3
[ 0%] Built target VDT
Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target xxhash
[ 0%] Built target copymodulemap
[ 0%] Built target builtin_nlohmann_json_incl
[ 0%] Built target xxhash
[ 0%] Performing build step for β€˜XROOTD’
[ 0%] Built target move_header_core_clib
[ 0%] Built target move_header_core_clingutils
[ 0%] Built target move_header_core_cont
[ 0%] Built target move_header_core_foundation
[ 0%] Built target move_header_core_gui
[ 0%] Built target move_header_core_meta
[ 0%] Built target move_header_core_multiproc
[ 0%] Built target move_header_core_rint
[ 0%] Built target move_header_core_textinput
[ 0%] Built target move_header_core_thread
[ 0%] Built target move_header_core_imt
[ 0%] Built target move_header_core_zip
[ 0%] Built target move_header_core_lzma
[ 1%] Built target move_header_core_lz4
[ 1%] Built target move_header_core_zstd
[ 1%] Built target move_header_core_newdelete
[ 2%] Built target move_header_core_base
[ 2%] Built target move_header_core_unix
[ 3%] Built target move_header_math_mathcore
[ 3%] Built target move_header_math_mathmore
[ 3%] Built target move_header_math_matrix
[ 4%] Built target move_header_math_minuit
[ 5%] Built target move_header_math_minuit2
[ 5%] Built target move_header_math_fumili
[ 5%] Built target move_header_math_physics
[ 5%] Built target move_header_math_mlp
[ 5%] Built target move_header_math_quadp
[ 6%] Built target move_header_math_foam
[ 6%] Built target move_header_math_smatrix
[ 6%] Built target move_header_math_splot
[ 7%] Built target move_header_math_genvector
[ 7%] Built target move_header_math_genetic
CMake Error at /root/Library/root-v6_26_00/root_build/builtins/xrootd/XROOTD-prefix/src/XROOTD-stamp/XROOTD-build-Release.cmake:49 (message):

  • Command failed: 2*

  • β€˜/usr/bin/gmake’*

  • See also*

  • /root/Library/root-v6_26_00/root_build/builtins/xrootd/XROOTD-prefix/src/XROOTD-stamp/XROOTD-build-.log

[ 7%] Built target move_header_math_fftw
gmake[2]: *** [builtins/xrootd/CMakeFiles/XROOTD.dir/build.make:86: builtins/xrootd/XROOTD-prefix/src/XROOTD-stamp/XROOTD-build] Error 1
gmake[1]: *** [CMakeFiles/Makefile2:8342: builtins/xrootd/CMakeFiles/XROOTD.dir/all] Error 2
gmake[1]: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs…
[ 7%] Built target move_header_math_vecops
gmake: *** [Makefile:156: all] Error 2

I am totally perplexed. I checked the output file and it showed series of warnings for openssl. When I checked whether openssl and libssl-dev are installed, it showed that both packages were already in their latest versions. My cmake configuration I used is as follows:

cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=…/root_install …/root_src -Dpythia6=ON -DPYTHIA6_LIBRARY=$HOME/Library/pythia6/v6_428/lib/ -Dgnuinstall=ON
– Detected ROOT_VERSION 6.26.00
– Checking internet connectivity…
– Yes
– Looking for Python
– Could NOT find Python3 (missing: Python3_NumPy_INCLUDE_DIRS NumPy) (found version β€œ3.10.12”)
– Could NOT find Python2 (missing: Python2_EXECUTABLE Python2_INCLUDE_DIRS Python2_LIBRARIES Python2_NumPy_INCLUDE_DIRS Interpreter Development NumPy Development.Module Development.Embed)
– Found GCC. Major version 11, minor version 4
– ROOT Platform: linux
– ROOT Compiler: GNU 11.4.0
– ROOT Processor: x86_64
– ROOT Architecture: linuxx8664gcc
– Build Type: β€˜Release’ (flags = β€˜-O3 -DNDEBUG’)
– Compiler Flags: -std=c++17 -Wno-implicit-fallthrough -Wno-noexcept-type -pipe -Wshadow -Wall -W -Woverloaded-virtual -fsigned-char -pthread -O3 -DNDEBUG
– ROOT default compression algorithm: zlib
– PyROOT will be built for version 3.10.12
– Looking for ZLib
– Looking for Freetype
– Looking for PCRE
– Building LZMA version 5.2.4 included in ROOT itself
– Looking for ZSTD
– Looking for X11
– Building AfterImage library included in ROOT itself
– Looking for GSL
– Looking for OpenGL
– Looking for GLEW
– Looking for LibXml2
– Looking for MySQL
– Looking for Pythia6
– Looking for FFTW3
– Looking for CFITSIO
– Downloading and building XROOTD version 5.4.1
– Cannot select cudnn without selecting cuda or tmva-gpu. Option is ignored
– Looking for BLAS for optional parts of TMVA
– Building LLVM in β€˜Release’ mode.
– Could NOT find Z3: Found unsuitable version β€œ0.0.0”, but required is at least β€œ4.7.1” (found Z3_LIBRARIES-NOTFOUND)
– Native target architecture is X86
– Threads disabled.
– Doxygen disabled.
– Go bindings disabled.
– OCaml bindings disabled.
– LLVM host triple: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
– LLVM default target triple: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
– Building with -fPIC
– Constructing LLVMBuild project information
– Linker detection: GNU ld
– Targeting X86
– Targeting NVPTX
– Clang version: 9.0.1
– Cling version (from VERSION file): ROOT_1.0~dev
– Cling will look for C++ headers in β€˜/usr/include/c++/11:/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/c++/11:/usr/include/c++/11/backward’ at runtime.
– And then fallback to: β€˜x86_64-linux-gnu-g+Β±11’
– Performing Test found_stdstringview
– Performing Test found_stdstringview - Success
– Performing Test found_stod_stringview
– Performing Test found_stod_stringview - Failed
– Performing Test found_stdapply
– Performing Test found_stdapply - Success
– Performing Test found_stdinvoke
– Performing Test found_stdinvoke - Success
– Performing Test found_stdindexsequence
– Performing Test found_stdindexsequence - Success
Running /root/Library/root-v6_26_00/root_src/build/unix/
Changing /root/Library/root-v6_26_00/root_build/ginclude/compiledata.h
– ROOT Configuration

System Linux-6.2.0-37-generic
Processor 8 core AMD Ryzen 7 5700U with Radeon Graphics (x86_64)
Build type Release
Install path /root/Library/root-v6_26_00/root_install
Compiler GNU 11.4.0
Compiler flags:
C -Wno-implicit-fallthrough -pipe -Wall -W -pthread -O3 -DNDEBUG
C++ -std=c++17 -Wno-implicit-fallthrough -Wno-noexcept-type -pipe -Wshadow -Wall -W -Woverloaded-virtual -fsigned-char -pthread -O3 -DNDEBUG
Linker flags:
Executable -rdynamic
Shared -Wl,–no-undefined -Wl,–hash-style=β€œboth”

– Enabled support for: asimage builtin_afterimage builtin_clang builtin_cling builtin_gl2ps builtin_llvm builtin_lz4 builtin_lzma builtin_nlohmannjson builtin_openui5 builtin_tbb builtin_vdt builtin_xrootd builtin_xxhash clad dataframe exceptions fftw3 fitsio gdml gnuinstall http imt mathmore mlp minuit2 mysql opengl pyroot pythia6 roofit webgui root7 rpath runtime_cxxmodules shared ssl tmva tmva-cpu spectrum vdt x11 xml xrootd
– Configuring done
– Generating done
– Build files have been written to: /root/Library/root-v6_26_00/root_build

What could possibly be the reason? Any assistance would be appreciated.

Welcome to the ROOT forum!
That might have been fixed in a newer version of ROOT. But anyway, you can still try to disable Xrootd if you don’t really need it, something like:

cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=…/root_install …/root_src -Dpythia6=ON -DPYTHIA6_LIBRARY=$HOME/Library/pythia6/v6_428/lib/ -Dgnuinstall=ON -Dxrootd=OFF -Dbuiltin_xrootd=OFF 

Hi bellenot,

I disabled Xrootd as you suggested, but it was not enough to get me through the installation process. I am now getting the following error when I try to compile ROOT:

[100%] Building CXX object roofit/hs3/CMakeFiles/RooFitHS3.dir/src/HistFactoryJSONTool.cxx.o
[100%] Building CXX object roofit/hs3/CMakeFiles/RooFitHS3.dir/src/JSONInterface.cxx.o
[100%] Building CXX object roofit/hs3/CMakeFiles/RooFitHS3.dir/src/RooJSONFactoryWSTool.cxx.o
[100%] Building CXX object roofit/hs3/CMakeFiles/RooFitHS3.dir/src/JSONFactories_RooFitCore.cxx.o
[100%] Building CXX object roofit/hs3/CMakeFiles/RooFitHS3.dir/src/JSONFactories_HistFactory.cxx.o
[100%] Building CXX object roofit/hs3/CMakeFiles/RooFitHS3.dir/src/JSONParser.cxx.o
[100%] Linking CXX shared library …/…/lib/
[100%] Built target RooFitHS3
gmake[2]: *** No rule to make target β€˜NetxNG’, needed by β€˜lib/modules.idx’. Stop.
gmake[1]: *** [CMakeFiles/Makefile2:8081: CMakeFiles/modules_idx.dir/all] Error 2
gmake[1]: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs…
[100%] Built target onepcm
gmake: *** [Makefile:156: all] Error 2

Is there a way to get around this error or would it be better to install a newer version of ROOT? In which version is this problem resolved?

Thanks for the quick answer.

Did you try a fresh build (i.e. from scrach)?

I don’t know, but I can try to find out by searching the git commit logs…

Hi. Thanks for the recommendation. I cloned ROOT version 6_26_00 from their official GitHub release and tried to build it from there. I will try again with a newer version.


Just a small note. If you are interested in the 6.26 release cycle, please move to 6.26/14 as per this vulnerability description.


Hi again. Installing a newer version of ROOT did indeed solve the problem. Thank you for everyone who replied to this thread.


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