Failed to compile version ROOT v5-34-03 on Ubuntu 12.10

Good morning,

I am trying to build ROOT v5-34-03 on Ubuntu 12.10 with gcc 4.7.2 with this config command:

$ ./configure --enable-python --enable-tmva --enable-roofit

and I get this compilation error (from a few Fit/ classes):

Error: class,struct,union or type ROOT::th not defined include/Fit/Chi2FCN.h:70:

This problem has been reported earlier, for example here:

The earlier failure was in 5.32 releases but it seems that somehow this problem is back again in 5.34 releases. Any suggestions for which a recent production release I should use which does not contain this problem?

Thank you,

To quickly answer my own question, I was able to compile 5.32.04 without problems.
