Dear Experts,
I am a beginner in root . I wrote a program to extract data from my output root file to a txt file. however, while running, it gives the following error message. can anyone help me ? here I give my script.
#include <iostream>
#include "TFile.h"
#include "TTree.h"
#include <fstream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
void tpc_postionedHits(const char* file_name){
TFile *f=TFile::Open(file_name); // opens the root file
TTree *events=(TTree*)f->Get("events"); // creates the TTree object
events->Scan(); // prints the content on the screen
float *tpc_positionedHits; // create variables of the same type as the branches you want to access
events->SetBranchAddress("tpc_positionedHits",&tpc_positionedHits); // for all the TTree branches you need this
// tr->SetBranchAddress("ns",&b);
// tr->SetBranchAddress("nserr",&c);
ofstream myfile; ("tpc_positionedHits.txt");
myfile << "tpc_positionedHits\n";
for (int i=0;i<events->GetEntries();i++){
// loop over the tree
// cout << a << " " << endl; //print to the screen
// myfile << a << "\n"; //write to file
it gives the error,
**Error in <TTree::SetBranchAddress>: The pointer type given "Float_t" (5) does not correspond to the type needed "vector<fcc::PositionedTrackHitData>" by the branch: tpc_positionedHits**
_ROOT Version: 6.13
_Platform: Ubuntu 16.04
Compiler: Not Provided