Extended fit with RooHistPdf results in 'function value is NAN'

ROOT Version: 6.24
Platform: Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.9
Compiler: GCC 10.2.0

Dear experts,

I am trying to create a composite PDF from two RooHistPdf’s and then perform a fit to a RooDataHist. Each RooHistPdf is created in one script and saved into a RooWorkspace to be opened in another script:

    //Open input file
    TFile * f1 = new TFile("Rho_FullExtractedYieldMap.root");

    RooRealVar mpipi0("InvM_pipi0", "M_{#pi#pi^{0}}", 0.25, 3.5);

    //Project the 2D histogram down into 1D
    TH2F * sigYieldHist = (TH2F * ) f1 -> Get("yieldHist");
    TH1D * sig1DYieldHist = sigYieldHist -> ProjectionY("sig1DYieldHist", 1, 10);

    //Create binned dataset from histogram
    RooDataHist * dataHist1 = new RooDataHist("dataHist1", "dataHist1", mpipi0, Import(* sig1DYieldHist));

    //Create histogram PDF from the binned dataset
    RooHistPdf * histPdf = new RooHistPdf("histPdf", "histPdf", mpipi0, *dataHist1)

    //Save the result
    TFile * f2 = new TFile("Rho_Mpipi0WeightedPDF.root", "RECREATE");
    RooWorkspace *myWorkspace = new RooWorkspace("myWorkspace","myWorkspace");
    myWorkspace -> import(*histPdf);
    myWorkspace -> Print();
    myWorkspace -> Write();
    f2 -> Close();

And I open and try to fit it here:

    //Prepare file to fit to
    TFile * f1 = new TFile("SigRho_10-90FullExtractedYieldMap.root");

    TH2F * sigrhoYieldHist = (TH2F * ) f1 -> Get("yieldHist");
    TH1D * sigrho1DYieldHist = sigrhoYieldHist -> ProjectionY("sigrho1DYieldHist", 1, 10);
    double TotalSize = sigrho1DYieldHist -> GetEntries();

    RooRealVar mpipi0("InvM_pipi0", "M_{#pi#pi^{0}}", 0.25, 3.5);

    RooDataHist * dataHist = new RooDataHist("dataHist", "dataHist", mpipi0, Import(* sigrho1DYieldHist));

    //Prepare PDF to fit
    TFile * f2 = new TFile("Sig_Mpipi0WeightedPDF.root");
    TFile * f3 = new TFile("Rho_Mpipi0WeightedPDF.root");

    RooWorkspace * sigWorkspace = (RooWorkspace *) f2 -> Get("myWorkspace");
    RooWorkspace * rhoWorkspace = (RooWorkspace *) f3 -> Get("myWorkspace");
    RooAbsPdf * sigMpipi0Pdf = sigWorkspace -> pdf("histPdf");
    RooAbsPdf * rhoMpipi0Pdf = rhoWorkspace -> pdf("histPdf");

    double sigMean = sigFrac*TotalSize*0.01;
    double rhoMean = rhoFrac*TotalSize*0.01;

    RooRealVar nSig("nSig", "Number of signal events", sigMean, 0.9*sigMean, 1.1*sigMean);
    RooRealVar nRho("nRho", "Number of D rho events", rhoMean, 0.9*rhoMean, 1.1*rhoMean);

    RooExtendPdf * sigExtended = new RooExtendPdf("sigExtended", "sigExtended", * sigMpipi0Pdf, nSig);
    RooExtendPdf * rhoExtended = new RooExtendPdf("rhoExtended", "rhoExtended", * rhoMpipi0Pdf, nRho);
    RooAddPdf * totalPdf = new RooAddPdf("totalPdf", "totalPdf", RooArgSet(* sigExtended, * rhoExtended), RooArgSet(nSig, nRho));

    //Do the fit
    RooFitResult * fitRes = totalPdf -> fitTo( * dataHist, Extended(kTRUE), SumW2Error(kTRUE), Offset(kTRUE), NumCPU(16), PrintLevel(1), Save());

    //Plot the full result
    RooPlot * range = mpipi0.frame(Name("range"), Title("Mixed Sample"));
    dataHist -> plotOn(range, MarkerColor(kBlack), Name("data"), DataError(RooAbsData::SumW2));
    totalPdf -> plotOn(range, LineColor(kBlue), Name("model"));
    range -> Draw();

I expect the minuit/migrad fitter to find the best values of ‘nSig’ and ‘nRho’ that give the best proportion of the two RooHistPdf’s that match the ‘dataHist’. Instead I get this error:

[#0] ERROR:Eval -- RooAbsReal::logEvalError(totalPdf) evaluation error,
 origin       : RooAddPdf::totalPdf[ nSig * sigExtended + nRho * rhoExtended ]
[#1] INFO:Minization -- RooNLLVar::evaluatePartition(nll_totalPdf_dataHist_GOF13) first = 16 last = 17 Likelihood offset now set to 360775
 message      : getLogVal() top-level p.d.f evaluates to zero
 server values: !refCoefNorm=(), !pdfs=(sigExtended = 0/1,rhoExtended = 0/1), !coefficients=(nSig = 5.05246e+06,nRho = 561385)
[#1] INFO:Minization -- RooNLLVar::evaluatePartition(nll_totalPdf_dataHist_GOF15) first = 18 last = 20 Likelihood offset now set to -nan
[#0] ERROR:Eval -- RooAbsReal::logEvalError(nll_totalPdf_dataHist_GOF15) evaluation error,
 origin       : RooNLLVar::nll_totalPdf_dataHist_GOF15[ paramSet=(nRho,nSig) ]
 message      : function value is NAN
 server values: paramSet=(nRho = 561385,nSig = 5.05246e+06)
RooMinimizerFcn: Minimized function has error status.
Returning maximum FCN so far (-inf) to force MIGRAD to back out of this region. Error log follows.
Parameter values:       nRho=561385     nSig=5.05246e+06
RooNLLVar::nll_totalPdf_dataHist[ paramSet=(nRho,nSig) ]
     function value is NAN @ paramSet=(nRho = 561385,nSig = 5.05246e+06)

This last error is repeated many times. What I find strange is that the final plot where I draw totalPdf shows a well defined pdf across the whole range.

Regards, Kim

It looks like both pdf’s, sigExtended and rhoExtended evaluate to a zero value. It is maybe caused by some bins with are empty in the input histogram. Try to avoid having empty bins in the RooHistPdf.
