Executable to combine files with TFileMerger


I would like to know if someone has written an executable to combines ROOT files (like hadd) which use TFileMerger. I need it to combine large files in CERN CASTOR and put the output back in CASTOR, without using local CERN AFS disk. The instructions given for TFileMerger uses CINT/macro interpreter but I would prefer an executable like hadd.

If nobody has done it then I will write one and ask the root developers to include it in the next release cycle.



hadd should already be able to do it, just pass the fylly qualified name of the file as argument to hadd (rfio://server/path/file.root).


Hi Philippe,

No, hadd can’t do it. I should have been clearer in my original message.

I typed this into the lxplus command line

hadd rfio:/castor/cern.ch/user/h/haryo/test.root [list of files here]

and the only thing it does is producing an empty root file

lxplus prompt>rfdir /castor/cern.ch/user/h/haryo/

-rw-r–r-- 1 haryo zh 470 Dec 07 20:55 test.root

Anyway, I have written the executable and am only willing to share it to the community.


[quote]and the only thing it does is producing an empty root file[/quote]Strange.

[quote]Anyway, I have written the executable and am only willing to share it to the community.[/quote]Do not hesitate to upload it here.


Here is the executable. I don’t put the compilation instructions as it varies from environment to environment. Parts of the code are taken from hadd. I haven’t implemented the “-T” option a la hadd. I can also send the source file directly to one of the developers.

Let me know if this code will be part of ROOT release or not.


@file TFileMerger_x.cc

@brief Executable to merge file with TFileMerger class.
Can combine file in CASTOR or dCache, with output in CASTOR or dCache.

TFileMerger_x [-f] <outputfile> <inputfile1> <inputfile2> ...

@param outputfile Name of outputfile. Use the appropriate <tt>rfio</tt>
or <tt>dcap</tt> for output in CASTOR or dCache.

@param inputfile1
Input files. Use the appropriate <tt>rfio</tt> or <tt>dcap</tt> for inputs
in CASTOR or dCache.  One can also use <tt>\@</tt> to indicate indirect
input like <tt>hadd</tt>.

@date Sun Dec  5 20:19:52 UTC 2010

@author Haryo Sumowidagdo <Suharyo.Sumowidagdo@cern.ch>

@version $Id: TFileMerger_x.cc,v 1.3 2010/12/05 23:08:19 haryo Exp $


#include <TFileMerger.h>
#include <TFile.h>

@brief Helper function to add input files.

@param sourcelist Array of string which holds the list of input files.

@param entry An element in the command line arguments.

int AddFile(std::vectorstd::string& sourcelist,
std::string entry);

int main(int argc, char** argv)
bool force = strcmp(argv[1],"-f") == 0 ? true : false ;

size_t target = 1 ;
if (force) {

if (force) {
    std::cout << "Option -f is used, will force recreating the target file."
              << std::endl;

std::string              targetFile(argv[target]);
std::vector<std::string> sourceFile;

for (size_t i = target+1 ; i < (size_t) argc ; ++i) {
    if (AddFile(sourceFile,argv[i]) != 0) {
        return 1;

std::cout << "Target file:" << targetFile << std::endl;
for (size_t f = 0 ; f != sourceFile.size() ; ++f) {
    std::cout << "sourceFile[" << f << "]: [" <<sourceFile[f] << "]"
              << std::endl;

TFileMerger merger((Bool_t) false);
merger.SetFastMethod((Bool_t) false);


std::cout << "\n" << "Merging file" << std::endl;
for (size_t f = 0 ; f != sourceFile.size() ; ++f) {
    std::cout << "Adding source file:[" << sourceFile[f] << "]"
              << std::endl;


std::cout << "Finish merging files." << std::endl;
return 0;


int AddFile(std::vectorstd::string& sourcelist,
std::string entry)
if( entry.empty() ) {
return 0;

size_t j =entry.find_first_not_of(’ ');

if( j==std::string::npos ) {
return 0;

entry = entry.substr(j);

if( entry.substr(0,1)=="@") {

  std::ifstream indirect_file(entry.substr(1).c_str() );

  if( ! indirect_file.is_open() ) {
     std::cerr<< "Could not open indirect file " << entry.substr(1) << std::endl;
     return 1;

  while( indirect_file ){
      std::string line;
      std::getline(indirect_file, line);
      if( AddFile(sourcelist, line)!=0 ) {
          return 1;
  return 0;


return 0;

Hi Haryo,

Thanks for input. Please note that in v5.30/00 hadd has been upgraded (along the line of your example plus additional update for backward compatibility) to use the TFileMerger.
