Hello, I have just installed root on windows 11, with the dependencies cmake, python, and visual studio, the latest version of each. I followed the basic instructions here, sourcing thisroot.bat. On launching root, I received the errors:
What should I do to get past this? Thanks, A.
Did you start from a x64 Native Tools Command Prompt for VS 2022?
x64 Native Tools Command Prompt for VS 2022
I believe so, from visual studio 2022 → tools → command line / developer command prompt.
Well, first of all, which exact version of ROOT did you download? And then, if you type cl in the command prompt, what does it print?
And make sure you installed the Desktop development with C++ workload
Desktop development with C++
I Will add the workload. I have root 6.28.04 win32 vc17 cl returns an error, “cl is not recognized”
EDIT: Adding the desktop development workload resolved the issue.