Error when reading array from branch of TTree using RDataFrame.AsNumpy()

Hi there,

I’m trying to read a branch of a TTree into a numpy array using an RDataFrame. Here is a brief printout of the tree:

*Tree    :vdMScanData: vdMScanData                                            *
*Entries :      107 : Total =       195121996 bytes  File  Size =   84340290 *
*        :          : Tree compression factor =   2.31                       *
*Br    0 :lucBi2PMTC12_BUNCHDATA : lucBi2PMTC12_Channel/i:                   *
*         | lucBi2PMTC12_Valid/i:lucBi2PMTC12_AverageRawInstLum/F:           *
*         | lucBi2PMTC12_LuminousBunches/I                                   *
*Entries :      107 : Total  Size=       2983 bytes  File Size  =        912 *
*Baskets :        3 : Basket Size=       1074 bytes  Compression=   2.19     *
*Br    1 :lucBi2PMTC12_BCID :                                                *
*         | lucBi2PMTC12_LuminousBCIDs[lucBi2PMTC12_LuminousBunches]/I       *
*Entries :      107 : Total  Size=    1529113 bytes  File Size  =     535014 *
*Baskets :       23 : Basket Size=     537088 bytes  Compression=   2.86     *
*Br    2 :lucBi2PMTC12_BunchRawInstLum :                                     *
*         | lucBi2PMTC12_BunchRawInstLum[lucBi2PMTC12_LuminousBunches]/F     *
*Entries :      107 : Total  Size=    1529390 bytes  File Size  =     815250 *
*Baskets :       23 : Basket Size=     537088 bytes  Compression=   1.87     *

I want to read the branch lucBi2PMTC12_BunchRawInstLum, and I do so with,

>>> import ROOT
>>> df = ROOT.ROOT.RDataFrame("vdMScanData", "filename.root")
>>> df.AsNumpy(["lucBi2PMTC12_BunchRawInstLum"])

I then get the following error:

Error in <TTreeReaderValueBase::CreateProxy()>: The tree does not have a branch called lucBi2PMTC12_LuminousBunches. You could check with TTree::Print() for available branches.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "/usr/local/lib/ROOT/pythonization/", line 77, in RDataFrameAsNumpy
    cpp_reference = result_ptrs[column].GetValue()
cppyy.gbl.std.runtime_error: const vector<ROOT::VecOps::RVec<float> >& ROOT::RDF::RResultPtr<vector<ROOT::VecOps::RVec<float> > >::GetValue() =>
    runtime_error: An error was encountered while processing the data. TTreeReader status code is: 6

I think the problem is that lucBi2PMTC12_BunchRawInstLum is an array of length lucBi2PMTC12_LuminousBunches, which is itself a branch, but nested under lucBi2PMTC12_BUNCHDATA. How can I read in the lucBi2PMTC12_BunchRawInstLum branch into a numpy array?

For reference, here is a Scan() of the relevant branches:

*    Row   * Instance * lucBi2PMT * lucBi2PMT * lucBi2PMT *
*        0 *        0 *      3564 *         0 * 2.958e-05 *
*        0 *        1 *      3564 *         1 * 3.254e-05 *
*        0 *        2 *      3564 *         2 * 2.366e-05 *
*        0 *        3 *      3564 *         3 * 2.366e-05 *
*        0 *        4 *      3564 *         4 * 1.183e-05 *
*        0 *        5 *      3564 *         5 * 2.514e-05 *
*        0 *        6 *      3564 *         6 * 4.141e-05 *
*        0 *        7 *      3564 *         7 * 1.775e-05 *
*        0 *        8 *      3564 *         8 * 3.846e-05 *
*        0 *        9 *      3564 *         9 * 2.810e-05 *
*        0 *       10 *      3564 *        10 * 3.993e-05 *

Many thanks,

ROOT Version: 6.22/00
Platform: x86_64-centos7-gcc9-opt
Compiler: GCC 9; Python 3.7.6

@swunsch can you give a hand? Thanks!


This seems to fail on the level of TTreeReader, not nearly close to python or AsNumpy.

@pcanal is probably the best candidate to give some insight into the problem with the nested file structure.


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