Error when read fits file

I just installed the CFISIO and ROOT 5.34.00 on my computer! When I read the FITS file, I got an error message “Warning in TFITSHDU::LoadHDU: error opening FITS file. Details: bad first row number”!
Have anybody else ever meet such problem?

Dear llzw,

Can you open correctly the file with some other tool?

Also note that 5.34.00 is a really old and unsupported version of ROOT.
You should move to ROOT v6, e.g. the latest 6.10.00, or, if you have some special reason to stick with ROOT v5, to v5.34.36 .

G Ganis

Dear Ganis,

Thanks for your reply! I have opened the file with fv, and the file is OK.

I have to run the program on a server of cluster, and the operating system is slc5 with gcc 4.3. So is there any solution to solve this problem?

Dear llzw,

Sorry, it very difficult, if not impossible, to debug something on a old system (SLC5, now unsupported) and with an unsupported version.
You should at least try on a newer machine with a newer ROOT, to understand if the problem is related to the versions.

G Ganis

Dear Ganis,

Thanks! I will try the newer ROOT on another computer to check the problem!

Zhengwei Li

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