Error using DNN_CPU method

Running the DNN_CPU throws this error to me:
“Multi-core CPU backend not enabled. Please make sure you have a BLAS implementation and it was successfully detected by CMake as well that the imt CMake flag is set” and I am not sure how to tackle this.

Maybe @moneta has an idea?

You would need to install bras, possibly openblas.
If it is still a problem you can try using bras from math more, but you need to install the GSL library or configure ROOT with -Dbuiltin-gsl=ON…

Which ROOT version are you using ? In the latest ROOT, 6.22 the DNN should still work, but it will be not very fast.


Hi, I use ROOT 6.20/04. Installing OpenBLAS did not work. I use Ubuntu in virtual box and have only 1 available CPU core. Could that have created the problem?

Strange this did not work. Can you maybe then try installing the standard blas, for example from
