Error: Symbol #include is not defined in current scope

Hi all,

I know there are some quite old threads related to this question, but I am using the newest release (5.27/04) on Mac OS (Leopard) and finding this problem in both simple compiled macros as well as a simple MakeClass code:

Error: Symbol #include is not defined in current scope  runBunchTrainsOverlay.C:70:
Error: Symbol exception is not defined in current scope  runBunchTrainsOverlay.C:70:
Syntax Error: #include <exception> runBunchTrainsOverlay.C:70:
Error: Symbol G__exception is not defined in current scope  runBunchTrainsOverlay.C:70:
Error: type G__exception not defined FILE:/Users/fizisist/Work/ATLAS/Offset/OffsetAnalysis/./runBunchTrainsOverlay.C LINE:70

This seems to be related to reading various vector objects (and in another instance of the problem was clearly related to trying to read a vector).

I have attached what I believe to be the full code needed to reproduce the problem, including the input file. The paths would have to be changed slightly, but I should only need to be changed inside of runBunchTrainsOverlay.C.

Thank you very much in advance!
bunchTrain_analysis_v01.root (611 KB)
runBunchTrainsOverlay.C (1.72 KB)
BunchTrainsOverlay.C (12.2 KB)

Just to note, I have verified that if I replace all vector with arrays of TStrings, then there are no problems.


[quote]Error: Symbol #include is not defined in current scope runBunchTrainsOverlay.C:70:
Error: Symbol exception is not defined in current scope runBunchTrainsOverlay.C:70:
Syntax Error: #include runBunchTrainsOverlay.C:70:[/quote]Usually indicates that there was an exception thrown (which CINT has not been able to handle well). To see better what the problem is, either try to run using valgrind or try running you script after issuing the CINT command ‘.exception’ to turn off the exception handling (and you may want to do that from with a gdb session).


PS. Not that there seems to be missing files in order to reproduce your problems.