Error: Symbol #include is not defined in current scope

Dear ROOT expert:

My script encountered the following error during execution:

Info in TMultiLayerPerceptron::Train: Using 109 train and 109 test entries.
Network with structure: price0,price1,price2,price3,price4:10:price5
inputs with low values in the differences plot may not be needed
Error: Symbol #include is not defined in current scope train.c:82:
Error: Symbol exception is not defined in current scope train.c:82:
Syntax Error: #include train.c:82:
*** Interpreter error recovered ***

But actually I already include in my script.

Any idea on this?

data.txt (14.7 KB)
train.c (5.19 KB)

Please avoid posting the same message in several forums.
This problem is addressed in your identical post /viewtopic.php?t=10873
